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Six Windows to the Spanish Speaking World. SEIS VENTANAS

El 11 de julio de 2011 en Biblioteca/Library por | Sin comentarios

Illustrated Lectures on the politics, religions and arts of Spain, Latin America, Peru, and Mexico 


Tuesdays at 6 pm

NYPL. South Court Auditorium Stephen A. Schwarzman Building – 5th Ave at 42th St. 

  • Seth Fein: John Ford’s The Fugitive: Antifascim into Anticomunism between Mexico and the United States. JUNE 14th.

  • María Hernández-Ojeda: Revolutionary Women Writers: Anarchist Representations of Latin America in the Early 20th Century. JUNE 28th.

  • Ananda Cohen: The Flexibility of Sin: Mural Painting and Social Meaning in Colonial Peru. JULY 12th.

  • Renee MacGarry: The Magical and the Evereday, or How the Aztecs Represented Plants. JULY 26th.

  • Natalia Santamaría-Laorden: «The Return of the Ships»: ‘Hispanic’ Encounters after 1898. AUGUST 9th.

  • Elena FitzPatrik Sifford: Sun Goods and the Son of God: ‘Lords’ in New Spain from the Pre-Columbian to the Viceregal Era. AUGUST 23th.

More information: researchstudyrooms@nypl.org

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