Thinking of Kukuxumusu is to think of T-shirts, the drawing factory and in an output of laughter, fun and ironic humor. That was the aim from the beginning when the company started up in 1989 and it is the same spirit today, in spite of the passing years, and the logical evolution of both the products and those who create them. Kukuxumusu — «the kiss of the flea”, in Basque language — originated in the Sanfermin fiestas of 1989 when three friends — Mikel Urmeneta, Koldo Aiestaran and Gonzalo Domínguez — decided to put some life into the souvenirs that were being sold at that time in Iruñea / Pamplona. A rather singular t-shirt on the running of the bulls was the first result of this idea and the detonator of all that would follow later. Kukuxumusu ‘s language has been consolidated thanks to the tee shirt, both through a sense of universal humor as well as through its knowing nods to the customs and traditions of each place.