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Get to know our library – Music collection

El 28 de septiembre de 2012 en Biblioteca/Library por | Sin comentarios

The ‘Jorge Luis Borges’ Library music collection offers a diverse selection of music recordings, sheet music, and music literature. Our holdings are great for both casual enjoyment or for those patrons seeking to immerse themselves in a specific genre or the music from specific geographic area. Here is a brief breakdown of the music collection.

  • More than 4,000 recordings, offering a substantial representation of Spanish and Latin American music of all periods, genres and styles,
  • A collection of over 200 volumes of printed music.
  • Books about the history music throughout Spain and Latin America.
  • DVDs containing musical performances and concerts
  • A DVD  collection of historical  flamenco song and dance performances.
As with the majority of the collection, these materials are available for loan to our members and freely open to the public for research and listening enjoyment through our audio/video stations.

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