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Get to know our library – Music collection

El 28 de septiembre de 2012 en Biblioteca/Library por | Sin comentarios

The ‘Jorge Luis Borges’ Library music collection offers a diverse selection of music recordings, sheet music, and music literature. Our holdings are great for both casual enjoyment or for those patrons seeking to immerse themselves in a specific genre or the music from specific geographic area. Here is a brief breakdown of the music collection.

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New arrivals from Smithsonian Folkways Recordings

El 24 de abril de 2010 en Biblioteca/Library por | 2 Comentarios

Cuban Danzón

Songs of the Spanish Civil War by Pete Seeger

Mexican Corridos

Childres's Songs and Games from Ecuador, Mexico and Puerto Rico

Sephardic Folk Songs sung by Gloria Levy

Entre Hermanas - Women's songs sung by Suni Paz

Cuba's Orquesta Aragón

Viva Puerto Rico Libre

Silvio Rodríguez - Rabo de Nube. Songs of a new Cuba.

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