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Berlanga film museum en la web/Online Berlanga film museum

El 15 de febrero de 2013 en Cultura/Culture por | Sin comentarios


Acabamos de recibir información acerca de un recurso nuevo e interesante para los cinéfilos. El Berlanga Film Museum  es un punto de partida perfecto para cualquiera que quiera aprender más sobre la historia del cine español y la influencia de uno de los grandes del cine español.

We have just received information about an interesting new resource for cinephiles. The Berlanga Film Museum is an online resouce that is great starting point for anyone looking to learn more about the history of Spanish cinema and about the works of one of the great directors of Spanish cinema.

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Peruvian cinema at the ‘Jorge Luis Borges’ Library

El 11 de septiembre de 2012 en Cultura/Culture por | Sin comentarios

While our library has thousands of films representative of  all the Spanish speaking countries, we would like to take a moment to highlight our collection of Peruvian cinema in anticipation of the Third Peruvian Contemporary Film Showcase being held at Institituto Cervantes from September 13th through October 4th.

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