Andrés Soria Olmedo, catedrático de Literatura Española de la Universidad de Granada, evocará la estancia de García Lorca en la ciudad y se centrará en el análisis del poema New York: oficina y denuncia, leído en el contexto de la serie de poemas sobre la ciudad al que pertenecen Whitman, Baudelaire, Eliot, Juan Ramón Jiménez, y en el de la obra del propio poeta, dentro y fuera del libro Poeta en Nueva York (cartas a la familia, conferencia- recital). La lectura se detendrá en los aspectos sociales, religiosos y de autoidentidad, ligados fuertemente en el poema y el libro.
Andrés Soria Olmedo, professor of Spanish literature at the University of Granada, will recall García Lorca’s stay in the city and focus on an analysis of the poem «New York: Office and Denunciation,» read in the context of a series of poems about the city that includes works by Whitman, Baudelaire, Eliot, Juan Ramón Jiménez and the poet’s own work from Poet in New York, as well as letters to his family and conference lectures. The presentation will focus on social, religious, and self-identity issues that arise in the poem and the book.
Crime Scene: Europe festival writers coming from France, Germany, Austria, Italy and Poland, among other contries, and including our author, José Carlos Somoza, will have a conversation about the european crime novel with Dan Fesperman, author of ‘The Small Boat of Great Sorrows’, ‘The Double Game’ and ‘Layover in Dubai’. After the roundtable there will be a discussion with the audience.
This documentary shows the life of José Saramago, the Literature Nobel Prize winner, and his wife Pilar del Rio. The film is a co-production between the director Fernando Meirelles, Pedro Almodovar´s production company ‘El Deseo’ and ‘Jump Cut’.
Portugal will send Miguel Goncalves Mendes’ documentary «Pilar e Jose» about the final years of Nobel Prize-winning novelist Jose Saramago as its entry for the foreign-language film Oscar.
Más en: youtu.be ; diasdecine. rtve.es ; variety.com; josesaramago.org; arteinstitute.org