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[Biblioteca] Multilingual Poetry Slam: Intersting in performing?

Multilingua Poetry DayMultilingual Poetry Slam : Poetry Has a Thousand Faces

In celebration of World Poetry Day and Harmony Day

Presented by the City of Sydney, Art Gallery NSW, Instituto Cervantes, Spanish Community Care Association, TAFE NSW-Sydney Institute and Word Travels 

MC’d by Miles Merrill and featuring Candy Royalle and Gumaroy

  • Who are you? Where do you come from? What do you believe in?
  • Perform poetry, share stories, croon lyrics, or monologue your ideas about identity.
  • Tell us what you have experienced. Explore your background. Use language to represent yourself!
  • You have 2 minutes, a microphone and the freedom to express.   A swag of prizes up for  grabs!

Multilingual Poetry Slam Rules

Intersting in performing? Contac: info@wordtravels.info


[Biblioteca] Nicanor Parra

Postales en la biblioteca / Postcards at the library

Llévate tu postal en la biblioteca / Pick your postcard up in the library

El pasado 23 de junio celebramos el Día E se desarrollo en la biblioteca ana actividad relacionada con la poesía de Nicanor Parra, que ayer cumplió 98 años.

Hojas de parra en la biblioteca del Instituto cervantes en Sídney

Día E en la biblioteca / E Day at the library

En esa actividad, como reflejan las imágenes, implicó una participación directa del público. Se puso a su disposición una antología de poemas y antipoemas en un formato curioso y original –una colección de postales–; el objetivo era compartir los poemas del premio Cervantes con amigos y familiares a través del correo postal.

Si no pudiste venir todavía tenemos postales disponibles en la biblioteca.

Last June 23rd while celebrating The Spanish Day (E Day) in the library there was an activity about Nicanor Parra poetry. He was 98 yesterday.

As you can see in the pictures, the activity have involved direct contact with the public. We have made available an anthology of poems and antipoems to the public though a curious and original format, a collection of postcards. The aim then was to share these poems with friends and family via mail.

If you couldn’t be here we still have more postcards available in the library.

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marzo 2025
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