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El español que nos une y nos diferencia

El español que nos une y nos diferenciaICLL Podcast series: New Episode (in Spanish)

El español que nos une y nos diferencia
Globalisation, human migration and the use of the Internet have reinforced Spanish as a language of international communication. At the same time, there are marked cultural differences among Spanish-speaking countries that influence the Spanish language and that, on occasion, distort communication.

What are the main differences between Peninsular Spanish and Latin American Spanish? On what linguistic level are they manifest? How do they affect communication and usage? On the 200th anniversary of Latin American Independence we have brought together two leading experts so that we can discuss our extensive common language that both unites and separates us.

Bicentenario de las indepencias en Hispanoamérica. series of talks

Francisco Moreno
Rosina Márquez-Reiter

Collaborating Organisation
Asociación de Consejeros Culturales de América Latina, España y Portugal / Association of Cultural Attaches of Latin America, Spain & Portugal (Londres)


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