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Conferencia Sebald y Entrega del premio Valle Inclán de traducción/Sebald lecture and the annual Translation Prizes

06/Feb/2012 (19:00 h)
Kings Place (Londres): 90 York Way, N1 9AG 

La conferencia Sebald tiene lugar anualmente y está enfocada a los diferentes aspectos de la traducción literaria. En esta ocasión  la conferencia la impartirá  Sean O’Brien, poeta, crítico literario y locutor de radio. A continuación  tendrá lugar la presentación de los premios de traducción literaria 2011 . Seis reconocidos premios de traducción, de larga tradición, poesía y ensayo, a partir de las originales en árabe, francés, alemán, italiano, español y hebreo. Sean O’Brien estudió En Cambridge (Selwyn College) y es profesor de escritura creativa de la Universidad de Newcastle. /The Society of Authors’ Translation Prizes and readings event is to be held at Kings Place, London on 6th February 2012. The prizes will be presented by Sir Peter Stothard of the TLS to the winning translators at the special readings event, held in conjunction with the annual Sebald Lecture. The lecture will be given by the poet Sean O’Brien.  Sean O’Brien was born in London, 1952 and grew up in Hull.  He was co-founder of the literary magazine The Printer’s Devil and contributes reviews to newspapers and magazines including the Sunday Times and the Times Literary Supplement. A regular broadcaster on radio, he presented, in an edition of BBC Radio 4’s ‘With Great Pleasure’, a selection of his favourite poems and prose including work by Charles Dickens, A. S. Byatt, Ovid and Shakespeare. He is now Professor of Creative Writing at Newcastle University and a Vice President of the Poetry Society.

Precio entradas/Tickets price: Desde/From £9.50

Reservas/Bookinghttp://www.kingsplace.co.uk/book-tickets?perfno=8054 – 020 7520 1490

Sociedad de Autores (Londres) / The Society of Authors (Londres)
Universidad de East Anglia / University of East Anglia

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