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Eurotoolbox 2021

El 5 de octubre de 2021 en Biblioteca/Library, Libraries_UK por | Sin comentarios

Author and illustrator Sharon King Chai, helped launch the #Eurotoolbox 2021 at the Victoria Library Westminster and transfixed us with her immense creativity, praising the value of libraries in the promoting reading .

This special collection of literature for children and young adults in French, English, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish, carefully selected by the respective European Institutes’ librarians is FREE to borrow for any library in the UK.

This year, the selection is aiming to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of human rights, inclusion and representation in literature.

With the Eurotoolbox, you will have the resources at hand to work on various subjects, with 60 authentic and popular books.

More information: Eurolis

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