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«Romantic Spain – David Roberts and Genaro Pérez Villaamil,» a talk by Professor Claudia Hopkins

Talk by Professor Claudia Hopkins, Durham University, in conjunction with the Instituto Cervantes London.

Monday 17 January 2022, 6pm

The Scottish artist-adventurer David Roberts (1796-1864) and his Galician friend, Genaro Pérez Villaamil generated hundreds of views of Spanish towns and monuments set in beguiling landscapes. Roberts presented Spain as a timeless, exotic nation. Villaamil projected a patriotic view of his country as a Catholic nation, opening itself up to modernity.

A new exhibition, at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid, has brought together 120 paintings, prints and drawings, which explore the artists’ friendship and their Romantic vision of Spain.

This talk by the curator, Professor Hopkins, will be illustrated with key works from Spanish and British collections, such as the National Galleries of Scotland.

A drinks reception, featuring Spanish wines kindly provided by the Instituto Cervantes, will precede the talk.

To register your attendance please email clubevents@caledonianclub.com, mentioning Instituto Cervantes London. If you would like to attend on Zoom please once again register using the above address and a link will be sent nearer the date.

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