¿Quieres ir a estudiar a un país de habla hispana? ¿Quieres conseguir un trabajo y necesitas el idioma español?¿Vas a solicitar una beca y tienes que acreditar tu nivel de inglés? El DELE certifica tu competencia lingüística en español.
En el Instituto Cervantes, además de ser el organismo oficial que junto con el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte expide el título, te ayudamos a preparar el examen.
Aquí puedes ver las fechas en las que puedes examinarte y los niveles
A1 Principiante
A2 Principiante avanzado
B1 Intermedio para estudiantes de K 12
B2 Nivel avanzado de español
B3 Nivel superior de español
B4 Nivel superior de español próximo al nativo
Para cualquier pregunta estamos a tu disposición en nuestra sede (211 E. 49th Street bet. 2nd & 3rd). o por teléfono (212-308-7720)
Do you want to study in a Spanish speaking country? Would you like to get a job and are required to speak Spanish, are you going to apply for a scholarship and you have to certify your linguistic competence in Spanish?
At Instituto Cervantes in addition to being the institution that issues the diploma on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, we help you to prepare the test.
Below you have the different levels offered, as well as a link to our website for further information about the exam dates.
A1 Beginners
A2 Advance beginners
B1 Intermediate
B2 Advanced Proficiency
C1 Highly Advanced
C2 Nearly native
For any questions do not hesitate to visit our website , contact us in person (211 E. 49th Street bet. 2nd & 3rd) or by phone (212-308-7720).
The next entry in our «Get to know our library» series introduces our collection of didactic materials.
If you are a teacher of Spanish, a student of Spanish, or just someone interested in a little self study, we have materials for you. Our comprehensive collection of educational material ranges from the methodology and philosophy of language education, to exercise books dedicated to reinforcing specific skills. We have materials for complete beginners, intermediate learners and even native speakers that are just looking to polish their skills.
(Siga leyendo esta entrada…)
What is the dele?
The Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE), granted by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science are official qualifications certifying levels of competence in the Spanish language.
Why take the dele?
When and where will the exam take place?
November: Friday, 19 and Saturday, 20, 2010 at Instituto Cervantes New York as well as other examination centers (including: Boston, Downington, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Miami, Portland, San Francisco Seattle, Spokane & Washington, D.C.)
when can i register?
November Exam: From September 1 to October 15 (inclusive) at Instituto Cervantes New York.
More information: cervantes.es ; Instituto Cervantes. 211-215 East 49th Street. New York, NY 10017.- Tel: 212 3087720 Ext 109 or 110.