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Diego Quinsole de la Isla

In an old, ragged cottage lived a very crazy man named Diego. He was mad because he listened to too much music. Especially rap and flamenco music, he now sings everything he says.

One day a brilliant idea came to his musical head, he thought that Diego Quinsole could be the new big DJ.  First he needed a DJ, which would help him to produce his music.

In a local café, sitting down glumly was his friend Sam Paunch. Sam was his friend since college and that was a very long time ago. Diego walked over joyfully, ‘hey, my amigo! Would you like to join me as I make history?’ Sang Diego in a high- pitched voice. ‘Diego do you know that is as silly question to ask,  obviously I would say yes!’ Laughed Sam.  Together they hopped out of the café ready to conquer the world with there fabulous music.

Finally, Arriving at Diego’s house they were both ready to top the charts. Diego sang ‘Why don’t we go to the library and find a book about becoming a superstar?’

Sitting at a very squashy desk was a Liberian. ‘Ah, there is the one and only manager I’ve been searching for!’ resonated Diego, ‘Hey pretty lady, do you want to join me as my manager as we history?’ ‘Of course I would. But first I must introduce myself…. I am Valentina Rose. ’ Whispered Diego’s new manager.

Arriving at the house again, Valentina blew off the dust from the ancient, torn book. It read inside First you will need a director to make you become the number one legend! Bang! Valentina slammed the book shut, ‘You need a delightful director who will direct your music videos.’ ‘Senorita, I think I have just the right technician,’ Sang Diego out of tune.

Sam, Diego and Rafael had been the best of friends when they were in university The group sprinted over to the cafe where they would find Rafael. ‘hey, my amigo! Would you like to join me as I make history?’ Sang Diego in a high- pitched voice. ‘We need a director for our award winning music videos and you are just the man.’ ‘Ok, let us start!!’ Screamed Rafael jumping up and down.

They were ready and set to go. After a couple of hectic hours Valentina woke up to the smell of a rich cup of coco with a pile of whip cream on top and with marvellous marshmallow sitting eagerly on top of the whipped cream waiting to be eaten. ‘Come on then sleepy head lets go make some MUSIC!!!’ Sang Diego joyfully. ‘We’ve already moved the equipment to the location and we also made it look homely.’ Added Sam, off they sang merrily together.
2 YEARS HAD PASSED and still they weren’t topping the charts. But one very unusual day, Diego was slouching in his chair at home. He turned over the channel to the music channel and sighed, watched the video and listened to the music and wanted to know where he went wrong so he could try it again. Finally the charts reached number 1 and it was……IMS (Diego’s group.) With there song Love Box, Diego screamed and screamed. Quickly, he dialled Valentina, Sam and Rafael phone number. ‘Come here as soon as possible we’re on TV and at the number 1 spot!’ At they end of the song in bright neon purple it said THE WORLD’S LAMIEST SONGS AND MUSIC VIDEOS.  Everybody left Diego’s humble home and cried bitterly, knowing that it was a complete failure. Diego then realised that he was a mad, mad man.

Tia F.
Royston Primary School

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