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Real life vs virtual life

“Nooooooo!” screamed Billy-Ray with disappointment. He had just got caught doing a secret mission on his computer game, Maxamillin Motor Head. Billy-Ray was always in his bedroom playing this game; he rarely ever came out of his room unless it was time for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Although he was a cyber robot, his little brother, Bobby-Joe, was very different. Bobby hated computers and just liked colouring in and jumping around- he didn’t even like watching TV!

One Saturday, mum sent Bobby to fetch Billy. Bobby literally had to pull Billy away from his computer.  “Billy, I am not well.  I have a sore throat and I need you to do the shopping this week.”

When they arrived at Presco’s Billy dug mums shopping list out of his rubbish-filled pocket. When they reached the veg stand and Billy noticed that one of the customers had a white coat on just like Professor Moonz! Suddenly he thought he was Maxamillion! He went crazy! “Hey you, stop right there!” he screamed attracting everyone’s attention . “Yeah, you in the white coat! Drop that poisonous carrot; I know what it’s for! You’ll never defeat me! I am Maxamillion the invincible!!!!!!!” the man walked slowly away and Billy and Bobby drifted off .

The next day at their swimming lesson. Jonnie threw out some floats for them to swim under water and retrieve. When it was Billy’s turn, his eyes went into a strange blur, he couldn’t hear well and thought that one of the floats was one of the sharks sent by Professor Moonz-just like the ones in his game and once again thought he was Maxamilion

Suddenly, all of the floats were sharks all around him and the pool had turned into a furious sea. He seized one of the floats (sharks) and shrieked, “You will never defeat me, I know that you have been sent by the professor and you have been told to try to destroy me- you never will!” at this point everyone in the whole pool was looking at him and wondering why he was shouting at a float.

Bobby really felt he needed to inform mum, although he still didn’t want to get Billy into trouble.
 At school on Monday, Billy’s friends were rehearsing for the school play. They were doing the part with the robots.  Again, he thought he was Maxamillion and he thought that their scripts were weapons ready to destroy him! The mad child charged at his friends whilst screaming “I know who you are! You have been sent to try to destroy me by the evil Professor Moonz!” At that moment the school bell rang and all Billy’s class mates walked off to the line , sniggering and laughing at Billy’s madness; all caused by that game!

Seeing all of this, Bobby decided he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to tell mum about Billy’s madness. Bobby felt a tingle in his tummy. He wasn’t looking forward to this. He opened the door, his mind whizzing round crazy thoughts about what could happen between him and Billy afterwards. “Um…well you see, y’know how Billy is always on his game, I think it is causing him problems.” “Problems?” said mum, looking puzzled. “Yes, er… today at school when we arrived, all Billy’s friends were practicing for their play about  robots and having played so much of that silly game, he thought that he was Maxamillion  and all his friends were robots from his game. He shouted out at them. “Don’t say anymore I know why this is.” She murmured.

She got out of her bed and calmly walked into Billy’s room.  “Billy, my darling, could you just pause that for a minute?” Billy’s eyes were glued to the screen. “Mum got up and turned the computer off herself. Billy was startled and suddenly saw his mum. “Wha… ahhh! You scared me!” “Sorry but this is important. Bobby has just told me that this silly game is causing you problems” she said, gently. “So I am going to take your game and computer out of your room.” “ What problems? I am Maxamillion the invincible!”He said furiously. By that time, Bobby was in the doorway of Billy’s room. “I see what you mean.” She said to bobby through the side of her mouth.

The next day she spoke to Billy’s doctor about the situation and she was feeling much better as he had sent some pills to ‘Loots’ for her pick up. Mum told him how Bobby had told her about everything and he said “thank you, Bobby, if it wasn’t for you I would have been completely mad!” Bobby put his arms around Billy. It was clear that Bobby-Joe and Billy-Ray were still best friends.

Ashleigh F.
Royston Primary School

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