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Spotting windmills

One day I met a man called señor  Nick.  He was a  crazy  prince and  he  had  a  horse  called   skinny.  A sunny day  they  went  on  a  adventure  with  his  friend  Skinny  Steve.

Walking throught  the  soft sand  the know  horses  and  they  were  very hungry  and  thirsty . They  went  through  towns  and   deserts.  And  they  were  going  and   going  and   going…when they  spotted in the distance some  windmills.

They  were giants  so  he  got  his  sord  out  and  ran to  the  windmill  but…he  went  on  one  of  the  wood things  and  his friend  said  its  a  windmill  not  a  giant.

 The  end.

James W.
CE Sant Michael’s Church Primary School, Lincolnshire.

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