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The Quijote in your life

Don Quijote is brilliant, because he is like a can of fizzy juice; he keeps on fizzing away with craziness. He can’t stop it because he was made to be a crazy character in the book. It has a sweet taste and I think that he is a loving man also, who is obsessed with chivalry.

He is an animal lover, he looks after his horses. He thinks windmills are giants and of course he is crazy, he is the crazy kangaroo who lives in the North Pole. I have not read about a crazier man than him.

The Don Quijote in my life is me, because I think that I am really crazy. At home I can’t stop bouncing off the walls and climbing on my bunk bed. I love climbing trees.  I get excited for holidays, disco’s and parties. I say to my mum I can’t wait for the school disco, mum I can’t wait for Caitlyn’s party and I always do that. When an occasion comes round I always get to giddy, plus I end up going and having loads of fun.

I know Don Quijote likes adventure, I love it more. I go to a wood covered with an electric fence that cut’s of the woods and me and my friends sneak through the fence. This does not work so we sneak through the hole in it. I make tree houses in the trees and I love making tree houses.

I hope that you have enjoyed my Don Quijote presentation and hearing about me and what I get up to in my life, I’m the Don Quijote in my life. Thank you for reading this.

Nicole C.
Park Road Primary School

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