Imagine two girls. They look very much alike. One is backed into a corner; red rimmed eyes a reminder of tears recently shed. The other is leaning over a boy. Though shorter she commands a great deal more presence and authority then he does. Indeed he seems to be shying away, occasionally throwing back a weak taunt. This seems to set the girl of authority off. A torrent of words stream from her mouth.
The girl in the corner is now smiling cautiously, as if glad of the other girls presence. But, also a wary smile as if afraid a teacher will come out and her words like a storm coming from the other girls mouth.
The two girls in the picture are my twin and I. If you have not guessed already I am cowed in the corner. Madeleine (my twin) is the girl with the domineering presence. The boy has for the past few terms been bullying. I remember feeling quite sorry for the boy afterwards. In a conflict with Madeleine you rarely come out unscathed.
Madeleine is the person in my life who reminds me most of Don Quijote. It is not just her love of books. It is her character. She is compassionate, caring, generous, free-willed, stubborn and hot-tempered.
Madeleine is a person who when everyone else takes life as it is, swims with the pack. Stands up, fights out wants to make a difference. The sight of anyone suffering is horrific to Madeleine. She simply cannot understand how people could be so cruel.
I often imagine her knight. Joan of Arc. Leading her knights into battle against evil. A shining banner raised upon her shoulders. The chivalrous and saintly among her. Maybe that sounds too poetical, but it’s true, although she like Don Quijote and everyone else is imperfect, she comes closer than some.
These characteristics combined with a hot temper and incredible presence makes her a force to be reckoned with. She is well informed and though is not unknown to be brash- her outspokenness has been known to land her in trouble- can be very articulate and scarily to the point. These make her a brilliant speaker.
Perhaps her most obvious characteristic is her generosity; friends and I often feel very much indebted to her (though she would never expect any payment). She feels a need to give. If she upon buying more than one thing did not offer to share it, she would instantly feel selfish. This often makes me feel rather guilty.
Madeleine if she could would heal the unhealed, unite the separated, comfort the uncomforted, love the unloved, feed the starving, bring peace to the peace less, hope to the hopeless. This is why my sister Madeleine Rebecca Kelly shall one day not only change her country as did Don Quijote but instead will change the world…
Jessica K.
The Grey Coat Hospital Secondary School