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Categoría /Category:  de 8 a 12 años

1er Premio /Prize :   Sofia McLachlan

2º Premio / Prize:  Lizzy Diggins

3er Premio / Prize: Beatrix Webb

Categoría/ Category de 13 a 19 años

1er Premio / Prize :  Ryan Frost

 Premio / Prize: Joseph Prince

3er Premio / PrizeAysha Nasir

First of all, thank you all very much again for participating in the II Short Story competition contest “El Quijote de tu vida”. We also like to thank all the teachers that encouraged their pupils to write about Don Quijote. You all did a very good job. We have received more than 90 stories. Since this year there were a lot of wonderful stories the judge panel has decide to grant 2 more prizes for the runner-ups. We really enjoyed reading the texts received and we are very sorry we just could give six prizes for three winners in the two different categories.

We hope you enjoyed as much as we did practicing your Spanish and maybe discovering something new about our culture and about Don Quijote. In fact, this was the main purpose of our competition.

We will love you to participate again next year.

If you want to read the 6 winning short stories, you can download them by clicking on the links below:

8-12 years old category:

1st prize: Sofia McLachlan –> A Quixote in my life

Runner-ups:  Lizzy Diggins–> A Life in Education 

Runner-ups:  Beatrix Webb–> Hero Webb

13-19 years old category:

1st prize: Ryan Frost –>El Quijote de mi vida

Runner-ups: Joseph Prince –> El Quijote de tu Vida

Runner-ups:  Aysha Nasir–> La Quijote de mi vida

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