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Spanish language and culture in small doses

The «Spanish language and culture in small doses» are a wonderful opportunity to learn more about specific aspects of the culture of Spain and Latin America in just two hours. The sessions are mainly aimed at students of Spanish wanting to improve their Spanish language competence in an interesting cultural environment.

The sessions will be varied in topic, nature and style, and they will be led by a group of Spanish and Latin American tutors, all very motivated to transmit their enthusiasm and expertise.

They will be in Spanish and targeted at different levels of language competence (initial, intermediate, advanced, superior), so that everyone can take part. The more sessions you attend, the more you will know about Spain and Latin America. So, why don’t you give it a try?

The sessions will be on Fridays, from 18:30h – 20:30h, and the enrolment fees are:
IC students:  £15 per session
General public:  £20 per session


Programme of sessions (October – December 2012)

Salsa: a practical introduction B2.1 – C1.4 19/10/12
Spanish music for learning B1.1 – B2.4 19/10/12
El día de los muertos B2.1 – C1.4 26/10/12
Spanish cinema B2.1 – C2.2 02/11/12
Truth & myth in the Spain of the Romanticism B1.4 – B2.4 09/11/12
A journey throughout the music of Andalucía B1.4 – B2.4 16/11/12
Spanish women through the eyes of Federico García Lorca: “La Casa de Bernarda Alba” B1.1 – B1.4 23/11/12
¡Una tapita por favor! – Spanish gastronomy A2.3 – B1.1 30/11/12
Spanish Poets B1.3 – B2.4 07/12/12

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Spanish Courses Winter 2023

Online Spanish courses

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