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Learn to connect, connect to learn.

El 12 de enero de 2021 en Cursos/Courses por | Sin comentarios

Learning a new language expands your world.

connects you with more people, more opportunities

and opens up new doors, pathways and challenges

Because learning a language is more than just earning a certificate:

It is discovering how being understood makes you a part of things;

It is understanding how to reach the hearts of others.

Instituto Cervantes, 30 years dedicated to making Spanish

a greater, more universal language

connecting more and more people.

Now, all our experience, and our highly qualified teachers,

are available in our on-line courses.

Taking Spanish to every corner of the world

and your heart to wherever it desires.

Instituto Cervantes.

Learn to connect,

connect to learn.


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Tel: +44 (0)20 7201 0750
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Spanish Courses Winter 2023

Online Spanish courses

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