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International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award

El 17 de November de 2010 en Latin American writers, Spanish writers por | Sin comentarios

Last Monday, the 2011 longlist of the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award  was announced.

The IMPAC Dublin Literary Award is the largest and most international prize of its kind. It involves libraries from all corners of the globe, and is open to books written in any language.

The Award, an initiative of Dublin City Council, is a partnership between Dublin City Council, the Municipal Government of Dublin City, and IMPAC, a productivity improvement company which operates in over 50 countries. The Award is administered by Dublin City Public Libraries.

 The nomination process for the Award is unique as nominations are made by libraries in capital and major cities throughout the world. Participating libraries can nominate up to three novels each year for the Award. Libraries interested in participating should contact the organisers for details.

This year, there are 6 novels written originally in Spanish that have been selected for this Award:

Which one is your favourite?


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