Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists
En octubre de 2010 la prestigiosa revista Granta lanzó un número titulado “Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists”.
Los veintidós escritores en el listado fueron elegidos por un jurado distinguido de seis profesionales del mundo literario: Valerie Miles y Aurelio Major, editores de Granta en español; el novelista guatemalteco-estadounidense Francisco Goldman; la crítica, editora y escritora catalana Mercedes Monmany; el periodista británico y antiguo corresponsal para América Latina Isabel Hilton; y el escritor y director de cine argentino Edgardo Cozarinsky.
Para comenzar este año 2011, joven todavía, la biblioteca propone una selección de esta joven literatura.
La biblioteca propone / The library suggests
In October 2010, the prestigious magazine Granta launched an edition entitled “Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists”.
The twenty-two writers on the list were chosen by a distinguished panel of six judges: Valerie Miles and Aurelio Major, editors of Granta en español; Guatemalan-American novelist Francisco Goldman; Catalan critic, editor and author Mercedes Monmany; British journalist and ex-Latin American correspondent Isabel Hilton; and Argentinian writer and film-maker Edgardo Cozarinsky.
To start off the year, still young, we would like to invite you to peruse a selection of works by these young novelists
Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists Books Jóvenes Granta The library suggests Writers