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Better Loved from Afar

El 20 de September de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

Parece que ahora todos somos irlandeses, desde Barack O’Bama a Ernesto Che Guevara Lynch. Pero, ¿qué significa realmente ser parte de la diáspora irlandesa?”

Dentro de la programación del “Absolut Fringe Festival” se presenta desde hoy, hasta el día 24 de septiembre la obra de teatro “Better Loved from Afar”, de Noelia Ruiz y Ángel Luis González.

It seems that these days we are all Irish, from Barack OʼBama to Che Guevara Lynch. But what does it really mean to be part of the Irish Diaspora?

We are two Argentinean cousins who came to Dublin a decade ago in search of our long lost motherland, reversing the journey of our great great grandfather who emigrated from Dublin to La Pampa 200 years ago. This is an epic archival voyage which attempts to reconstruct our Irish identity after being brought up on a romanticized ideal of the Emerald Isle. Our search for “the glory and the story of the sea-divided Gaels” uncovers a journey of lies, revealing that perhaps the motherland is better loved from afar…

As part of Absolut Fringe Festival 2011.

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