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Galicia en Irlanda / Galicia in Ireland

El 25 de November de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

Identities in Irish Literature

Cuenta la mitología irlandesa que el druida y poeta Amergin, hijo de Míl de Hispania, cruzó el mar desde Galicia para establecerse en tierras irlandesas.  Varios cientos de años después, el Instituto universitario de estudios irlandeses Amergin, de la Universidad de A Coruña, recupera la memoria del antiguo druida y de este primer nexo de unión gallego-irlandesa. Más allá de eso, el Instituto Amergin promueve la investigación sobre temas irlandeses y especialmente sobre el acercamiento entre dos culturas que comparten tanto en común.

Si quieres saber más sobre la labor del Instituto y cómo se inscriben los estudios sobre Irlanda en el contexto gallego,  no dudes en acercarte esta tarde al simposio “Galicia en Irlanda”, que tendrá lugar a las 6 de la tarde en el Café Literario. Tanto la presentación como las intervenciones de los ponentes serán en inglés.

Os dejamos la canción de Amergin, el druida celta que fue gallego y también irlandés:

According to the Irish mythology, the druid and poet Amergin, son of Míl de Hispania, crossed the sea from Galicia to settle in Irish lands. A few hundred years later, the University Institute of Irish Studies Amergin, of theUniversity ofA Coruña, brings back the memory of the old druid and this first link betweenIreland andGalicia. Furthermore, the Institute Amergin promotes the research about Irish topics and specially about the links between these two cultures which have a lot in common.

If you want to know more about the Institute’s work and how the Irish studies are approached in the Galician context, don’t hesitate to come this afternoon to the symposium ‘Galicia in Ireland‘. It will take place at 6 pm at Café Literario. Both the presentation and the lecture will be in English.

We let you enjoy the song of Amergin, the celt druid who was Galician and Irish: click on the video above.

Celtic culture in Ireland and Spain

El 5 de October de 2010 en Library, Spanish-Irish relations por | Sin comentarios

“Did the Irish come from Spain?” is the title of an article by John Carey which focuses on the myth of the Milesians, the descendents of Mil Espáine, who according to Irish mythology arrived in Ireland from Galicia.

Whether fact or fiction, what is true is that Spain and Ireland have maintained a series of connections throughout the ages, about which little is known today.

This month the library invites you to explore the origins of these connections dating back thousands of years.

Come and discover the traces of the Celtic civilisations which shaped the evolution of both countries, and in doing so, understand a little bit better who we are today.

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