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Spanish is the most popular A-level language for the second year in a row

El 8 de julio de 2021 en Cursos/Courses, Learn Spanish por | Sin comentarios

 For the first time, Spanish attracted over 100,000 GCSE entries – almost double the 2005 statistic – and was the most popular A-level language for the second year in a row. If current trends continue, the report predicts that Spanish is likely to overtake French as the most popular GCSE language by 2026, according to a new British Council report published today.

The Language Trends 2021 report surveyed teachers at more than 1500 primary, secondary and independent schools across England. The report, which has been published annually by the British Council for nearly twenty years, gathers information about language teaching and learning in England.

At Key Stage 3, Spanish is taught by 74 per cent of responding state schools and 89 per cent of responding independent schools.

To read the full report, please visit: https://www.britishcouncil.org/research-policy-insight/research-reports/language-trends-2021

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