En 1932, envejecido y necesitado, el gran escritor portugués Fernando Pessoa se postula para el empleo de conservador de una pequeña biblioteca-museo en Cascais, no lejos de su adorada Lisboa.
A través de las respuestas al formulario, el poeta recuerda diversas escenas y situaciones reales e imaginarias de su vida y su obra literaria, celosamente guardada en su mítico “baúl lleno de gentes”.
A partir de este revelador episodio, Enigma Pessoa explora de manera poética la fascinante figura del autor de la heteronimia a través de una cuidada selección de materiales literarios y biográficos, desde poemas, textos en prosa y cartas de amor hasta imágenes personales y de los movimientos artísticos de su tiempo.
Su candidatura al puesto fue rechazada y apenas tres años después, Pessoa falleció, solo y enfermo, sin alcanzar la gloria literaria y la profunda admiración de la que su extraordinaria obra y su entrañable persona tan merecidamente disfrutan universalmente hoy.
In 1932, aged and in need, the great Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa applies to a job as a small museum library curator in Cascais, not far from his beloved Lisbon.
As he answers the questionnaire, the poet recollects certain scenes and situations, both real and imaginary of his life and works, zealously kept in his mythical “trunk full of people”.
From this illuminating episode, Enigma Pessoa poetically explores the fascinating figure of the author of heteronymy, through a carefully selected collection of literary and biographical materials, including poems, texts in prose and love letters as well asimages from his private life and the artistic movements of his time.
His application for the job was rejected and barely three years later, Pessoa died, sick and lonely, without having reached the literary glory and the deep admiration his endearing figure and extraordinary oeuvre so deservedly enjoy today.