The British Council presented today the results of the Language Trends England 2023 report.
Read the whole Language Trends England 2023 report here.
For the first time, Spanish attracted over 100,000 GCSE entries – almost double the 2005 statistic – and was the most popular A-level language for the second year in a row. If current trends continue, the report predicts that Spanish is likely to overtake French as the most popular GCSE language by 2026, according to a new British Council report published today.
The Language Trends 2021 report surveyed teachers at more than 1500 primary, secondary and independent schools across England. The report, which has been published annually by the British Council for nearly twenty years, gathers information about language teaching and learning in England.
At Key Stage 3, Spanish is taught by 74 per cent of responding state schools and 89 per cent of responding independent schools.
To read the full report, please visit:
Spanish entries at A level exams in England have increased by almost 5% from 2018 making it the most popular language for the first time since A levels began. The records come from the Language Trends 2020 report which was published today by the British Council.
Between 2018 and 2019, entries for Spanish increased by 7.5% whilst French increased by almost 4%, according to official data on GCSE and A-level results from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). In total, 96.811 students took Spanish at GCSE in 2019 and 7.932 did the same at A-levels.
The annual report underlines that, “French looks set to be overtaken by Spanish as the most popular language by 2030, or earlier, if current trends continue,” using the data provided by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).
“The figures for studying foreign languages are still small, but the fact that Spanish takes the first position for the first time in history, is indicative of profound changes. These changes tell us about the growing weight of the Spanish-speaking world and its correlation in a country used to thinking globally, such as Great Britain,” said the director of the Instituto Cervantes in London, Ignacio Peyró.
Language Trends is an annual survey of primary and secondary schools in England designed to gather information about the situation for language teaching and learning. Its aims are to assess the impact of policy measures in relation to languages and to analyse strengths and weaknesses based both on quantitative evidence and on views expressed by teachers.
Instituto Cervantes and the British Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding in November 2019 with the aim of strengthening the bilateral dialogue and promoting “the joint work” so that each institution can “achieve its strategic results more effectively”.
El español ocupa la primera posición en los exámenes del fin de bachillerato de Inglaterra, los llamados A-levels, con un aumento del 5% en 2019 respecto al año 2018, según los datos publicados hoy por el British Council en su informe anual Language Trends 2020.
Entre el año 2018 y el 2019, los estudiantes de español, tanto en los exámenes de A-levels (fin de bachillerato) como en los exámenes de GCSE, que se realizan al acabar el Key Stage 4 (la secundaria británica), aumentaron un 7,5 por ciento, frente al 4% de los que se decantaron por francés. El total de alumnos que se examinaron de español en GCSE en 2019 fue de 96.811 y de A-levels 7.932.
Además, el informe predice que el español “superará al francés como la lengua más popular en 2030, o antes, si las tendencias actuales continúan”, citando datos del Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ, por sus siglas en inglés).
“Las cifras de estudio de lenguas extranjeras siguen siendo pequeñas, pero que el español ocupe la primera posición por primera vez en la historia es indicativo de cambios profundos. Cambios que nos hablan del peso creciente del mundo hispanohablante y su correlato en un país acostumbrado a pensar globalmente, como es Gran Bretaña”, aseguró el director del Instituto Cervantes de Londres, Ignacio Peyró.
El Language Trends es el estudio anual sobre tendencias de la docencia de lenguas extranjeras en Inglaterra, encargado por el British Council, y que proporciona datos sobre qué lenguas se enseñan en los centros de secundaria –tanto en los financiados con fondos públicos como en los centros privados– en las diferentes etapas educativas.
El Instituto Cervantes y el British Council firmaron en noviembre de 2019 su primer convenio de colaboración a escala global.