I recall a day in 1968 which was exceptional only in that two interesting events happened in the space of a few hours which were otherwise repeated separately several times. At 4pm or thereabouts I recall receiving in my small flat, with junior colleagues from the British, French, Italian and German embassies, Felipe González, then a young clandestine trade union organiser. He briefed us on his political views and plans and disappeared into the streets, where he was “on the run”…
Aiken’s Playpen
by Michael Lillis
Read more…Dublin Review of books
“Did the Irish come from Spain?” is the title of an article by John Carey which focuses on the myth of the Milesians, the descendents of Mil Espáine, who according to Irish mythology arrived in Ireland from Galicia.
Whether fact or fiction, what is true is that Spain and Ireland have maintained a series of connections throughout the ages, about which little is known today.
This month the library invites you to explore the origins of these connections dating back thousands of years.
Come and discover the traces of the Celtic civilisations which shaped the evolution of both countries, and in doing so, understand a little bit better who we are today.