The best Spanish music comes today to the Instituto Cervantes with a concert by singer Susana Garrido. The gig will be at 7.30pm at Café Literario and the ticket is €5.
Musician and singer Susana Garrido Pombo is from Galicia and currently lives in Dublin. Her style spans various genres and crosses many borders including jazz, latin, bossa and folk. Susana sings her own songs as well as covers by other artists. An award winning vocalist, she has produced CDs with among others, the group Sonhos.
La mejor música española llega hoy al Instituto Cervantes con un concierto de la cantante Susana Garrido. Empezará a las 7.30 eb el Café Literario y el precio de la entrada es de 5€.
La músico y cantante Susana Garrido Pombo es gallega y actualmente tiene su residencia en Dublín. Su estilo es una amalgama de diversos géneros, y fusiona entre otros el jazz, música latina, bossa y folk. Su repertorio incluye canciones propias y versiones de otros artistas. Como vocalista ha ganado diversos premios y ha grabado varios CD con el grupo Sonhos entre otros.
Si hoy quieres escuchar buena música no tienes más que venir esta tarde al concierto que el coro de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid nos ofrece a las 7.30pm en el Café Literario.
El Coro de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid comienza su andadura en noviembre de 1990. La dirección musical corre a cargo de Nuria S. Fernández Herranz, y la gestión y coordinación de Félix Márquez.
A lo largo de su historia, ha colaborado en la recuperación del Patrimonio Musical Español con la interpretación de obras de Jaume Casellas (1690-1764) y Antonio Soler (1729-1783), y ha estrenado numerosas obras de compositores contemporáneos españoles como Javier Busto, Alicia Santos, Asís Márquez y Albert Alcaraz. El Coro UC3M ha realizado giras por Portugal, Holanda, Cuba y Hungría. Ha obtenido diversos galardones en concursos nacionales entre los que cabe destacar su reciente Premio “Ciudad de Torrevieja 2012” en el Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía de dicha localidad.
En 2012 presenta una ecléctica selección de programas entre los que destacan Dixit Dominus yCoronation Anthems de Haendel, la Misa de Coronación de Mozart y el espectáculo escénico-coral EnAmorArte de Lorca basado en textos del autor granadino puestos en música por compositores españoles contemporáneos.
En estos días, el Coro se encuentra en Dublín realizando un Taller de Interpretación con el director y compositor Michael McGlynn. No queríamos dejar pasar la ocasión de mostrar parte de la creación musical para coro de compositores españoles y, por ello, les ofrecemos este concierto dedicado a la música española.
If you want to listen to some good music you can enjoy today a concert by the Choir from the Carlos III University of Madrid. This event will be at 7.30pm at Café Literario.
The Choir from the Carlos III University of Madrid was set up in November 1990. Nuria S. Fernández Herranz is in charge of their musical direction, while Félix Márquez is responsible for their management.
Throughout its career, the choir´s interpretation of the works of Jaume Casellas (1690-1764) and Antonio Soler (1729-1783) has contributed to the preservation of Spanish musical heritage, and it has showcased numerous works of contemporary Spanish composers such as Javier Busto, Alicia Santos, Asís Márquez y Albert Alcaraz. The UC3M choir has toured Portugal, Holland, Cuba and Hungry and has received numerous awards in national competitions. The most outstanding award they have received to date is the recent honour, ‘City of Torrevieja 2012’, in the International Competition of Habaneras and Polifany.
In 2012 the choir presented an eclectic range of programs, most notably Dixit Dominus and Handel´s Coronation Anthems, The Coronation Mass by Mozart and the spectacular choral performance EnAmorArte de Lorca, based on texts by the author from Granada, set to music by contemporary Spanish composers.
The choir is currently in Dublin taking part in a performance workshop with the director and composer Michael McGlynn. To mark this occasion and demonstrate the musical achievements of Spanish choral composers, we invite you to attend a concert dedicated to Spanish music by the UC3M choir.
Hoy el Café Literario se llena de buena música gracias The Lákazans que nos traerán lo mejor de su repertorio a partir de las 7:30. El concierto es gratuito pero se aceptan donativos.
Banda formada en el trascurso del año 2012. Vienen desde Santiago de Compostela a presentar su nuevo trabajo. Sus influencias van desde el blues más clásico de artistas como Howlin Wolf, Muddy waters, Hound Dog Taylor hasta el soul de Aretha Franklin, Etta James o Sam Cooke, pasando por elcountry de Johnny Cash. Sin olvidar a los grandes clásicos del rock y el rock and roll como Bob dylan, los Rolling Stones, Elvis Presley o Neil young del que toman prestado el psicodélico Down by the river. Otras de sus potentes influencias son dos de los nuevos talentos del rockabilly y el rock & roll actual, considerados ya clásicos modernos, Imelda May y los tres hermanos que forman Kitty, Daisy & Lewis. A pesar de ser un grupo influenciado sobre todo por la música americana, también abordan clásicos en castellano como el famoso Chan chan, La Paloma o La Llorona de la gran Chavela Vargas.
Café Literario will be full of good music today as the band The Lákazans are visiting us with the best of its repertoire. The concert will start at 7.30pm and the entrance is free although donatiosn will be accepted.
Formed in 2012, the band from Santiago de Compostela has come to perform their new music. Their influences range from classic blues artists such as Howlin Wolf, Muddy Waters, and Hound Dog Taylor, to the soul music of Aretha Franklin, Etta James and Sam Cooke, and the country sound of Johnny Cash. Not forgetting the great classic rock and roll music of the likes of Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones, Elvis Presley and Neil Young, from whom they borrowed the psychedelic song Down by the River. Other strong influences come from two major new talents of rockabilly and contemporary rock and roll, already considered to be modern classics – Imelda May and the three brothers that make up the group Kitty, Daisy and Lewis. Besides being a group influenced by American music, they also take inspiration from classic Spanish artists like the famous Chan Chan, and particularly the songs Paloma Negra (Black Dove) and La Llorona (The Weeping Woman) from the great Chavela Vargas.
Foto: Xavier Torres Bacchetta
Kumar, born in “Mantilla” (Havana, Cuba), is a young artist who has developed his career very soon not only in the hiphop scene, also in the world music circuit.
His approach to music is inspired by Cuban hip hop.
Coming from the Cuban musical underground, he is known for his work and his collaborations with many Cuban musicians from the experimental jazz area, alternative and traditional.
He also participated in the soundtrack for the movie “Habana Blues” by Benito Zambrano (Goya Award for the best soundtrack).
In 2007 he moved to Barcelona to complete his album. In the last two years he has performed in the major jazz, world music and Latin music festivals in Europe. His music is based on the research into the roots of Cuban music and its African cultural heritage.
Today, 13/11/2010 (20:00 h) at Grand Social Club.
Lower Liffey Street.
1 Dublín