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Flamenco Festival in London 2010. Reviews

The Festival ended last weekend.

Here you are 4 interesting reviews:

Step-by-step guide to dance: Eva Yerbabuena
By injecting traditional moves with bold theatrical flair, this Spanish dancer and choreographer brings flamenco thrillingly up to date.
Sanjoy Roy 


Flamenco’s humane roots
Forget the Hollywood image – flamenco has deep-rooted social and political resonances that cross culture and genre
Mike Marqusee 



Sadler’s Wells seventh annual Flamenco Festival
David Dougill



¡Viva la evolución!
The show begins with a haunting, wailing song that could easily be mistaken for the muezzin’s call to prayer as the Nuevo Ballet Español pays homage to the mysterious origins of flamenco in Moorish… Spain.



Very interesting blog about flamenco:



More about flamenco


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