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4th International Conference: Media for All Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock

El congreso, que contará con la presencia de más de 400 representantes de cadenas de televisión, productoras y distribuidoras audiovisuales, compañías de traducción y localización, empresas de software, expertos universitarios e instituciones gubernamentales, se centra en el estudio de las formas para fomentar la accesibilidad en los medios audiovisuales. Entre los temas a tratar, podemos mencionar: el subtitulado, doblaje, audiodescripción para personas ciegas, subtitulados para personas sordas y la localización de páginas web y videojuegos. Campos en los que España es puntera a nivel mundial./The conference will focus on methods of enhancing accessibility to audiovisual media –with more than 400 representatives from television stations, audiovisual producers and distributors, translation and localisation companies, software companies, university experts and government institutions. Among the areas considered will be: subtitling, dubbing, audio description for the visually impaired, subtitling for the deaf, and the localisation of web pages and video games –all fields in which Spain is a world leader.



Para más información consultar en / For more information visit: www.imperial.ac.uk/mediaforall4

Reclining male sculptures: The mesoamerican Chacmool


 One of the most distinctive types of Mesoamerican sculptures is that called Chacmool, representing reclining human figures holding vessels on the stomach. Chacmools have been found in Central and West Mexico as well as in the Maya region. 

What was their function among the Toltecs, Maya and the Aztecs? Did they serve as platforms for human sacrifice or just to place offerings in the vessels? Why are they all male sculptures? These reclining sculptures became one of the most important sources of inspiration in the work of Henry Moore.

Elizabeth Baquedano has written several books and articles on the Aztecs, and curated an exhibition for Henry Moore’s Centenary at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. She is a lecturer at University College London, Institute of Archaeology and at the Institute for the Study of the Americas.

The Silent Revolution

ICLL Podcast series: New Episode (in Spanish)

The Silent Revolution

Graphic design between 1920 and 1950 constituted a means of distribution for aesthetic and political avant-garde ideas. In contrast with the Muralist movement, its presence was rather more modest but its scope was wider.

While the muralists were painting their masterpieces on official buildings, graphic art was being distributed through educational channels and channels for literacy campaigns all over the country. Some of the best artists participated in this work: Leopoldo Méndez, Alvarado Lang, Jean Charlot, Emilio Amero.

Small print production cooperatives such as Escuelas al Aire Libre, Taller de la Gráfica Popular (TGP) and artistic movements such as Los Estridentistas emerged.

José Manuel Springer

Collaborating Organisation
Embajada de México (Reino Unido)


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