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ÚLTIMOS DÍAS / LAST DAYS! Matriculación para exámenes DELE / DELE exams enrollment

El 14 de octubre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

Hasta el próximo viernes 14 de octubre (sábado 15 para los estudiantes del Cervantes) está abierta la matrícula para la realización de los exámenes DELE de noviembre. / Friday 14th October (IC Students until Saturday 15th October) is the last date for enrolling in the DELE exam scheduled to take place in November.

En la tabla adjunta pueden ver cómo acreditar tu nivel de español con un título oficial del Ministerio de Educación de España / In the attachment, you would be able to find out how you could prove your level accredited by the Ministerio de Educación de España.

Recuerden también que los estudiantes del Instituto Cervantes disfrutan del 20 % de descuento en la matrícula para el examen en esta convocatoria. / We also remind our current students at the Instituto Cervantes will get a 20% discount when enrolling in the exam.





¿Para quién? *
Who For?

Tasas Matrícula
Inscription Fees


Estudiantes del IC que han terminado el Curso Inicial 2
IC Students that have finished Inicial 2 course

IC Estudiantes / Students:

Otros candidatos / Normal price:


Estudiantes que han terminado el curso Elemental 3.
IC Students that have finished Elemental 3 course

IC Estudiantes / Students:

Otros candidatos: £


Estudiantes que han terminado el curso Intermedio 4.
IC Students that have finished Intermedio 4 course

IC Estudiantes / Students:

Otros candidatos / Normal price:


Estudiantes que han terminado el curso Avanzado 4
IC Students that have finished Avanzado 4 course

IC Estudiantes / Students:

Otros candidatos / Normal price


Estudiantes que han realizado 3 o más curso de Superior
Students that have done 3 or more Superior courses

 IC Estudiantes / Students:

Otros candidatos / Normal price
£ 133


Estudiantes que han finalizado el ciclo Superior del Instituto
Students who have finished Superior courses at
Instituto Cervantes

 IC Estudiantes / Students:

 Otros candidatos / Normal price:

Los exámenes se realizarán en el Instituto los días 18 y 19 de noviembre de 2011
Exams are scheduled to take place at Instituto Cervantes on 18th and 19th November 2011.

Para más información, por favor, haga clic aquí / Please, click here for more information

New trends in European Children’s Libraries: telling the tale – Seminar in London

El 12 de octubre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

November 21th 2011

At a time when libraries’ educative mission is endangered and children’s literacy is declining, European experts present ideas and innovations for children’s libraries.

This one day seminar is organised by Eurolis (http://eurolis.wordpress.com), the consortium of librarians of European Cultural Institutes in London and CILIP. The speakers will come from library services in the following European countries – UK, Germany, France, Portugal and Spain.             

Find out:
– How to innovate in your children’s library on a low budget
– Which partners you can work withAbout the crucial trends regarding children’s literature, reading and literacy in the UK and Europe
– Best practice of what works and what doesn’t.

Programme: Download the full programme + Speakers’ CVs and abstracts.

Venue: Institut Français du Royaume-Uni, 17 Queensberry Place – London SW7 2DT

Date: Monday, November 21st, 9.15 am – 4.30 pm

Fee: £60 (concessions* £40) including lunch and drinks

Registrations: Download and send the registration form to library@ambafrance.org.uk and pay online at https://www.institut-francais.org.uk/book .  Or send form + payment to: Institut Français du Royaume-Uni, la Médiathèque, 17 Queensberry Place, LONDON SW7 2DT

Deadline for payments: November 14th 2011

Further information: library@ambafrance.org.uk   Tel.: +44 (0)20 7073 1374. http://eurolis.wordpress.com/

* Concessions for students, unemployed, retired and groups comprising more than five people.

LAST DAY ! Wine courses programme 2011-2012

El 12 de octubre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios
Bacchanalia The Wine Society is a new and exciting project, which offers you the complete wine experience .Bacchanalia offices are located at Broken Wharf House, a wonderful location on the River Thames, bang opposite the Tate Modern and Shakespeare’s Globe. You can also find our restaurant, River Café by Sergi Arola within our shop, where you can taste all our wines and organic products in situ. As part of Haciendas de España, Bacchanalia TWS bring you fine wines direct from our own fine states in some of Spain`s most interesting regions –Rioja, Ribera del Duero, Rueda, Arribes de Duero, Penedés and more.
The Instituto Cervantes was created in Spain in 1991 to promote the Spanish language and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. The Instituto Cervantes has over seventy centres in four continents. The Instituto organizes Spanish courses, cultural events in conjunction with other organisations, the Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE), and supports Hispanists in their work.

For more information click HERE



Please contact Bacchanalia by sending an email to Dave Green (dgreen@bacchanaliatws.co.uk) or by calling 07971 182 874 and he will provide further instructions to proceed with your enrolment.

DRAMA Workshop in Spanish /Taller de actuación en español

El 7 de octubre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

DRAMA                                                                                    Oct/Nov./Dec.

Para alumnos con nivel intermedio y avanzado de español.Para personas con poca, o ninguna experiencia en Actuación.

Profesor: Germán D’Alessandro. 

¿Cuándo puedo hacerlo y cuánto dura el curso?

Jueves de 6.45pm a 9.15pm (20 de octubre – 08 de diciembre)

8 semanas. 20 horas.

 ¿Cuánto cuesta?         £215

  • 10% de descuento para alumnos que hayan estado enrolados en alguno de los cursos del Instituto Cervantes durante los últimos seis meses.
  • 5% de descuento extra, para todas aquellas personas que se enrolen con 2 semanas de anticipación al comienzo del curso.
  • 10% de descuento para: estudiantes a tiempo completo, personas mayores de 65 años, personas que reciban jobseekers Allowance. La inscripción para estos últimos casos deberá hacerse personalmente, presentando la documentación respaldatoria correspondiente.

¿Qué vamos a aprender?

Este curso es una introducción a la Estructura Dramática y al Método de las Acciones Físicas de C. Stanislavski.

Es una propuesta ideal tanto para quienes pretendan iniciarse en los principios del arte de la actuación, como para quienes necesiten un espacio creativo en su desarrollo personal y en la práctica de la lengua española.

¿Qué material vamos a usar?

El cuerpo y la voz. Algunos textos de autores latinoamericanos y españoles.

Improvisaciones teatrales.

¿Por qué hacer este curso?

Porque la experiencia artística teatral es una posibilidad de enriquecimiento integral de la persona que permite desarrollar la expresión corporal, la sensibilidad, la imaginación, la comunicación y demás aspectos de la conducta sin la presión del trabajo escénico pero con el goce estético de la práctica artística.

Lugar:                          Instituto Cervantes

                                     102 Eaton Square.London. SW1W 9AN

Tel.: 020 7235 0353 – cenlon@cervantes.eswww.londres.cervantes.es


Consultas:                    Tel.: 0741 14 52 693  / spanish.drama@gmail.com


– Cierre de inscripción: 18 de octubre 2011-


– Plazas limitadas –

New ! Spanish morning and afternoon courses!

El 4 de octubre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

New Spanish courses!  

Our Autumn courses are starting on the 7th October 2011.

  • Ø     Do you want to improve your oral skills in Spanish?
  • Ø     Would you like to be able to negotiate with Spanish speakers using correct grammar?
  • Ø     Do you want to feel more confident when you speak Spanish in your trips, on your holidays or with family and friends?
  • Ø     Do you need to prove your level of proficiency in the Spanish language with an official diploma?

Whatever your reasons are here, at The Instituto Cervantes, we offer several Spanish courses with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results…

  • o       morning classes   (10.30h- 13.30h)

           (Saturdays from 10.00h- 13.00h)

  • o       afternoon classes (14.00h- 17.00h) 

 Take advantage of this opportunity and enrol in our high quality courses:

 Ø     with high qualified and natives teachers

Ø     with programs in each of the courses guaranteed by the Council of Europe

Ø     focusing on all the language skills: grammar, conversation, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening and pronunciation. 

Remember !  All current and former Instituto Cervantes students will benefit from a 10% discount in all the courses.

 Looking forward to seeing you in class!

Tel: 020.7235.0353 / 020.7245.0621



NEW !!! HALF-TERM Spanish course for GCSE and A-LEVEL students

El 30 de septiembre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

Spanish courses for Young People during the half term holidays, 2011

If you’re looking to get and A* on your GCSE or A-Level exams, come to the Instituto Cervantes during the half term holidays for a one week crash course that will make you:

• Review the full content of your exams

• Gain confidence to learn quickly and easy

• Learn strategies for your oral presentation

Dates: from the 24th to the 28th of October 2011

Time: GSCE :  from 14 to 17 hours –     from 10 to 13 hours

            AS:  from 10 to 13 hours  –        from 10 to 13 hours

             A2: from 10 to 13 hours –        from 10 to 13 hours

Price:  162,00 GBP

If you would like to book a place on one of these courses, or find out more information, please click  HERE or visit our website www.londres.cervantes.es. You can also contact us by telephone 020 7235.0353 

Places are limited so book now!

Wine courses programme 2011-2012

El 27 de septiembre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios
Bacchanalia The Wine Society  is a new and exciting project, which offers you the complete wine experience .Bacchanalia offices are located at Broken Wharf House, a wonderful location on the River Thames, bang opposite the Tate Modern and Shakespeare’s Globe. You can also find our restaurant, River Café by Sergi Arola within our shop, where you can taste all our wines and organic products in situ. As part of Haciendas de España, Bacchanalia TWS bring you fine wines direct from our own fine states in some of Spain`s most interesting regions –Rioja, Ribera del Duero, Rueda, Arribes de Duero, Penedés and more.
 The Instituto Cervantes was created in Spain in 1991 to promote the Spanish language and cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. The Instituto Cervantes has over seventy centres in four continents. The Instituto organizes Spanish courses, cultural events in conjunction with other organisations, the Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE), and supports Hispanists in their work.


     For more information click HERE



Please contact Bacchanalia by sending an email to Dave Green  (dgreen@bacchanaliatws.co.uk) or by calling 07971 182 874 and he will provide further instructions to proceed with your enrolment.


CURSO: Cómo buscar trabajo de profesor de ELE en Londres (2)

El 27 de septiembre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

Martes 11de octubre , 14.00h – 18.00h.-Precio:  £ 40

Objetivos del curso:

 1. Mejorar y adaptar tu CV.

2. Aprender de manera práctica las destrezas que se requieren para ser profesor de ELE en Londres.

3. Conocer el sistema educativo británico.

4. Saber a dónde puedes dirigirte para solicitar trabajo.

Lugar: Instituto Cervantes

102 Eaton Square
 London SWW 9AN

Más información:  Instituto Cervantes. 020 7235 0353, cenlon@cervantes.es




El 26 de septiembre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios

Today the 26th September [2011] the 10th anniversary of the European Day of Languages (EDL) will be celebrated at the Council of Europe and throughout its 47 member states.

This commemoration seeks to alert the public to the importance of language learning, promoting cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and increasing intercultural understanding.

To join in the celebrations EUROLIS is launching the second edition  Of Eurotoolbox on the road: a travelling exhibition of Literature for children and young people.

What is Eurotoolbox?

It consists of four specially chosen collections of literature for children and young people in their original language (French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish). There are 12 to 15 books in each language. The authors and illustrators selected represent some of the very best of children’s books in these languages.

Download the Eurotoolbox 2011-2012 selection here:

Eurotoolbox 2011-2012

How much does it cost?

The exhibition is free to borrow. You will need to arrange [and pay for] transportation to the next borrower yourself. The exhibition is packed into 2 boxes, with a total weight of about 30kgs.

How can I borrow it?

You can borrow the exhibition for about 2 – 4 weeks. To book a slot, please contact Mayte Azorin, Head Librarian at the Instituto Cervantes(biblon@cervantes.es)

Seminar- New trends in European Children’s Libraries: telling the tale: 2/11/11

El 23 de septiembre de 2011 en Uncategorized por | Sin comentarios


Save this Date: 21 November 2011

New trends in European Children’s  Libraries: telling the tale

At a time when libraries’ educative mission is endangered and children’s literacy is declining, European experts present ideas and innovations for children’s libraries.

This Cultural Institutes in London and CILIP. The speakers will come from library services in the following European countries –

Find out

  • · How to innovate in your children’s library on a low budget
  • · Which partners you can work with
  • · About the crucial trends regarding children’s literature, reading and literacy in UK and Europe
  • · Best practice of what works and what doesn’t

·Venue:  Institut Français du Royaume-Uni,17 Queensberry Place-LondonSW7 2DT

 Date:  Monday, November 21st, 9.30am – 5 pm

 Fee: £60 (concessions £40) including lunch and drinks

 More details from:  library@ambafrance.org.uk ;



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Instituto Cervantes de Londres

15-19 Devereux Court
London WC2R 3JJ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7201 0750
Nearest stations: Temple / Holborn



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