Después de enviarte a Uruguay en mayo, seguimos con el recorrido, mes a mes, de destinos mundiales donde el español es un recurso clave. ¿Dónde ir a poner a prueba tu español con el verano a la vuelta de la esquina?
En junio, báñate en el trocito de Caribe que baña la costa norte de Colombia. Cartagena, una preciosa ciudad amurallada situada allí, fue fundada en 1533 por Pedro de Heredia y se le dio el mismo nombre que ostentaba el puerto español de Murcia. La ciudad fue amurallada rápidamente para intentar protegerla de los saqueos de piratas ingleses, holandeses y franceses; hoy, la muralla es una insignia de Cartagena. Pasea por el barrio viejo y disfruta de sus casas y calles coloridas. No dejes de preguntar por la dirección de Gabriel García Márquez: el Nobel de literatura de 1982 vivió aquí muchos años, y retrató uno de sus rincones en su conocida obra “El amor en los tiempos del cólera”.
After sending you off to Uruguay in May, our tour across worldwide destinations where Spanish is a key skill keeps going month after month. Where to go put your Spanish to the test when summer is right behind the corner?
In June, go swim in the Caribbean sea, right off Colombia’s northern coast. Cartagena, a beautiful walled town in the area, was founded by Pedro de Heredia in 1533 and named after a harbour in Murcia, Spain. The city was immediately walled off in an attempt to safeguard it from English, Dutch and French pirates; nowadays, the wall is Cartagena’s trademark. Take a walk through the old district and enjoy its colourful streets and houses. Do not forget to enquire about Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s address; The author who won the Nobel price in Literature in 1982 lived here for many years, and depicted one of its corners in his renowned work Love In The Times Of Cholera.
28-31 January 2010, Cartagena de Indias. Colombia
Welcome to our fifth festival in Cartagena de Indias, a meeting place where you can enjoy stories and ideas from many diverse cultures and from four continents. We are honoured to host writers and artists who reinvent the world. Their imaginations help us all to see life in a different way. To meet them in one of the most magical cities in the world is a real pleasure. Here, we have stories of love and death, of adventure and philosophy; here also are parties for talking and quiet places to think.