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Spanish is the most popular A-level language in schools across England for the fourth year running

El 30 de junio de 2023 en Learn Spanish, Noticias/News por | Sin comentarios

The British Council presented today the results of the Language Trends England 2023 report.

  • For the fourth year running, Spanish continues to have the highest number of A-level entries.
  • Official exam data show that, for the fourth year running, Spanish is the most popular language at A-level, replacing the long-standing tradition of French being in the top spot. The diverging trends noted in the graph below would suggest that Spanish now has the highest A-level entries and it is predicted that this trend will continue in future cohorts. It is interesting to recall that French continues to be the most taught language in primary schools.
A-level entries in French, German, Spanish and Other Modern Languages in England 2015-2022 (Language Trends England 2023)
  • The three most popular languages on the school curriculum in England are French, German and Spanish.
Percentage of responding state secondary schools offering each of French, German and Spanish (Language Trends England 2023)
  • French continues to be the most popular language at Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14), taught in 87 per cent of responding state schools and 97 per cent of responding independent schools, followed closely by Spanish in 75 per cent and 93 per cent of state and independent schools respectively.
  • French, German and Spanish remain the ‘big 3’ curricular languages; with planned revisions to the GCSE specifications in these languages to take place from 2024, there are exciting times ahead in the study and research of future language trends in England.

Read the whole Language Trends England 2023 report here.

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