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Don Abuelo de la Mancha de Tomate

En un lugar de Burgos, cuyo nombre igual me suena, vivía un tal Don…espera ahí. Esta es una historia, no el Quijote escrito por Pepito de Cervantes o Miguelito de Cervantes o como se llame. Esta historia está escrita por mí, y os voy a contar que le paso a mi abuelo, es decir, a Don Abuelo de la Mancha de Tomate.

¿Por qué digo esto? Pues cosa fina, pues porque unas vacaciones de verano, me fui a un pequeño pueblo en las montañas en la provincia de Burgos. Mi abuelo siempre estaba sentado en la sombra leyendo libros de aventuras, mientras nosotros nos bañábamos en la piscina. Un día, me di cuenta de que el abuelo no estaba ahí sentado, y había dejado una nota.

Yo la leí para mi mismo, y esto es lo que decía:
Honorable Rey: Me he ido a por mi damisela que me aguarda dulcemente en la villa de Salas de los Infantes. Unos momentos después, decidí darme un paseo para ver si le encontraba. Cuando llegué al portal me dí cuenta de que faltaba un caballo, también faltaba la lanza que teníamos en elsalón de adorno, y oí a mi abuela gritar desde la cocina:

-¡Dónde está la cazuela, y dónde habré metido la tapa de acero inoxidable de la paellera!!!

Entonces me dí cuenta de lo que sucedía. De tantos libros que se había leído, se creía Don Quijote de la Mancha y como en el ‘casco’ (que en realidad era la cazuela) había una mancha de tomate de la última vez que la abuela cocinó atún con tomate, pues pensé en llamarle Don Abuelo De La Mancha De Tomate. Bajé a la plaza mayor, y justo cuando bajaba el último escalón de las escaleras, se oyó una voz gritando:

-¡Suéltame, gamberro, suéltameee!!!
Yo reconocí esa voz, y era justo la panadera del pueblo de Salas de los Infantes, y me fuí a ver lo que pasaba. Don Abuelo De La Mancha De Tomate había ‘capturado’ a la panadera y estaba galopando en el caballo en dirección al siguiente pueblo. Yo tuve una idea, le podía echar agua con mi pistolilla de agua para intentar despabilarle. Apunté mi pistolilla de agua y ¡flash!!! Le dí en toda la cara.

Mi idea hizo efecto, porque de repente mi abuelo dijo:
-¡Qué hago vestido en este traje más ridículo y por qué estoy encima de un caballooo!!!
-Ven al salón y te lo explicaré. ¡Ah! Y trae la lanza.
-¿La lanza? ¡Ah! ¿Qué hago con ella? ¿Y por qué llevo puesta una cazuela en la cabeza? Me la voy a quitar. ¡AAAHHH!!! Una mancha de tomate, yo odio el tomateee!!!

Nicolas B.
Colegio: Instituto Español Cañada Blanch

Who in my life is like Quijote?

Imagine two girls. They look very much alike. One is backed into a corner; red rimmed eyes a reminder of tears recently shed. The other is leaning over a boy. Though shorter she commands a great deal more presence and authority then he does. Indeed he seems to be shying away, occasionally throwing back a weak taunt. This seems to set the girl of authority off. A torrent of words stream from her mouth.

The girl in the corner is now smiling cautiously, as if glad of the other girls presence. But, also a wary smile as if afraid a teacher will come out and her words like a storm coming from the other girls mouth.

The two girls in the picture are my twin and I. If you have not guessed already I am cowed in the corner. Madeleine (my twin) is the girl with the domineering presence. The boy has for the past few terms been bullying.  I remember feeling quite sorry for the boy afterwards.  In a conflict with Madeleine you rarely come out unscathed.

Madeleine is the person in my life who reminds me most of Don Quijote.  It is not just her love of books. It is her character. She is compassionate, caring, generous, free-willed, stubborn and hot-tempered.

Madeleine is a person who when everyone else takes life as it is, swims with the pack. Stands up, fights out wants to make a difference. The sight of anyone suffering is horrific to Madeleine. She simply cannot understand how people could be so cruel.

I often imagine her knight. Joan of Arc. Leading her knights into battle against evil. A shining banner raised upon her shoulders. The chivalrous and saintly among her. Maybe that sounds too poetical, but it’s true, although she like Don Quijote and everyone else is imperfect, she comes closer than some.

These characteristics combined with a hot temper and incredible presence makes her a force to be reckoned with. She is well informed and though is not unknown to be brash- her  outspokenness has been known to land her in trouble- can be very articulate and scarily to the point. These make her a brilliant speaker.

Perhaps her most obvious characteristic is her generosity; friends and I often feel very much indebted to her (though she would never expect any payment). She feels a need to give. If she upon buying more than one thing did not offer to share it, she would instantly feel selfish. This often makes me feel rather guilty.

Madeleine if she could would heal the unhealed, unite the separated, comfort the uncomforted, love the unloved, feed the starving, bring peace to the peace less, hope to the hopeless.  This is why my sister Madeleine Rebecca Kelly shall one day not only change her country as did Don Quijote but instead will change the world…
Jessica K.
The Grey Coat Hospital Secondary School

Don Quixote

Don Quixote is a wonderful character and reminds me of the tasty sweet orange,although it can sometimes squrt in your eye.My god farther,not Look wise,but because of his characteristic.Let us show you an example Of  what he is like.

 When I wae 5 my god farther told me a funny joke.Why do grillirors have bi nostrils…answer because they have big fingers.I thought it was so Funny at the time I almost wet myself.It’s realy funny when my god farther goes in the river  whenIt’s freezing cold he’s crazy and I think

It’s a perfect match with you.

My god farther loves to fight with us but very harmless.

Don Quixote is my god farther because he loves adventures,when were I’m  out in the forest we make cool dens with his famly.He explores lots of contrys like;spain,florida , Canada and lots more.

My god farther is mt Don Quixote in my life because Don Quixote is helpful and my god farther helps building lots of things.

When he is at my house he gets my mum and dad some cups of  Tea.

Nutter nice,loves adventures,very helpful. Theese are the few things why I belive my God farther reminds me of Don Quixote in My life. I am very lucky to /have my god farther. If I didd’nt have him in my life it would’nt be the Same.

Jessica J.
Park Road Primary School, Warrington

The Don Quixote in my life

Don Quixote is a ‘bamboozling’ character.  Also he reminds me of the fierce fizzy bubbles, on top of the slithering smooth sprite!  When the ferocious fizzy bubbles pop that is when disastrous Don Quixote tries to help but makes things worse!  My groovy Grandad reminds me of Don Quixote, he looks wise, but is the complete opposite!  Let me explain why I chose my Grandad …

Despite being retired my Grandad, is an adventurous adult!  He always keeps me up with his latest adventures.  The first ever holiday he went on was going to New York!  When he goes away, he gets mixed up like Don Quixote with windmills and giants that is my favourite part in the story!  Another thing when my Grandad comes back the first person he tells about his adventures is me.  He always says he wants to take me!  Also he tells me how helpful he has been, but sometimes it goes wrong!
My super cool Grandad is always going around talking to strangers, he is sooo silly!  I try to walk away, but then he starts making jokes about me!  He bamboozles most people.  Also he goes off in crazy dreams in public!  One time we were at ASDA café and he went into a crazy dream!  We tried everything to get him out of it but our plans never work!  As well as crazy dreams, he never stays awake when people are talking to him!  My family think all this falling asleep when people are talking to him is linked to his crazy dreams.

My groovy Grandad goes on and on and on and on for a long hour about what he has read!  I have got millions of brilliant books in my room from my Grandad

So I can read what he has.  Also he reads in the shimmery Sunday sunlight in silence!

Crazy!  Loves Adventures!  Likes to read!
They are the similarities I chose about my Grandad!  It would be a bit boring without a Don Quixote in my life!

Ruby J.
Park Road CP School, Warrington, Cheshire

The Quixote in my life

Don Quixote is a crazy man. He reminds me of a bottle of coke fizzing up. It tastes nice but sometimes sweet. My little brother, Ciaran, reminds me of Don Quixote because he is crazy, a dreamer and loves adventure. Let me get into further detail with you.

Firstly, he is a dreamer. After he has watched or read Star Wars he thinks he is a Jedi. Like Don Quixote but with knights. He also dresses up like one too. He watches Ben 10 as well. He has a Ben 10 costume, and dresses up in that. Also he thinks he is Mario or Luigi of Mario world. Don Quixote is a dreamer as well. He thinks he is a knight fighting wind mills which he thinks are giants.

Next, he loves adventure. Don Quixote loves quests, adventure that type of thing. Ciaran goes off some where for 5 minutes then comes back with one or two things. When we were on holiday he found some shells. He came back with them and told me to come and have a look. There were lots of shells, and we brought some home. Don Quixote went on a lot of adventures and quests.

Finally, he is crazy by joking around with people. He tells a lot of jokes in a day. My mum told him a joke, and now he tells me that joke every now and then. The joke is: Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? Because it was dead!

I think you’ll agree that Ciaran is like Don Quixote. I hope you enjoyed reading my report about the Quixote in my life.

Katie W.
Park Road cp school, Warrington

Diego Quinsole de la Isla

In an old, ragged cottage lived a very crazy man named Diego. He was mad because he listened to too much music. Especially rap and flamenco music, he now sings everything he says.

One day a brilliant idea came to his musical head, he thought that Diego Quinsole could be the new big DJ.  First he needed a DJ, which would help him to produce his music.

In a local café, sitting down glumly was his friend Sam Paunch. Sam was his friend since college and that was a very long time ago. Diego walked over joyfully, ‘hey, my amigo! Would you like to join me as I make history?’ Sang Diego in a high- pitched voice. ‘Diego do you know that is as silly question to ask,  obviously I would say yes!’ Laughed Sam.  Together they hopped out of the café ready to conquer the world with there fabulous music.

Finally, Arriving at Diego’s house they were both ready to top the charts. Diego sang ‘Why don’t we go to the library and find a book about becoming a superstar?’

Sitting at a very squashy desk was a Liberian. ‘Ah, there is the one and only manager I’ve been searching for!’ resonated Diego, ‘Hey pretty lady, do you want to join me as my manager as we history?’ ‘Of course I would. But first I must introduce myself…. I am Valentina Rose. ’ Whispered Diego’s new manager.

Arriving at the house again, Valentina blew off the dust from the ancient, torn book. It read inside First you will need a director to make you become the number one legend! Bang! Valentina slammed the book shut, ‘You need a delightful director who will direct your music videos.’ ‘Senorita, I think I have just the right technician,’ Sang Diego out of tune.

Sam, Diego and Rafael had been the best of friends when they were in university The group sprinted over to the cafe where they would find Rafael. ‘hey, my amigo! Would you like to join me as I make history?’ Sang Diego in a high- pitched voice. ‘We need a director for our award winning music videos and you are just the man.’ ‘Ok, let us start!!’ Screamed Rafael jumping up and down.

They were ready and set to go. After a couple of hectic hours Valentina woke up to the smell of a rich cup of coco with a pile of whip cream on top and with marvellous marshmallow sitting eagerly on top of the whipped cream waiting to be eaten. ‘Come on then sleepy head lets go make some MUSIC!!!’ Sang Diego joyfully. ‘We’ve already moved the equipment to the location and we also made it look homely.’ Added Sam, off they sang merrily together.
2 YEARS HAD PASSED and still they weren’t topping the charts. But one very unusual day, Diego was slouching in his chair at home. He turned over the channel to the music channel and sighed, watched the video and listened to the music and wanted to know where he went wrong so he could try it again. Finally the charts reached number 1 and it was……IMS (Diego’s group.) With there song Love Box, Diego screamed and screamed. Quickly, he dialled Valentina, Sam and Rafael phone number. ‘Come here as soon as possible we’re on TV and at the number 1 spot!’ At they end of the song in bright neon purple it said THE WORLD’S LAMIEST SONGS AND MUSIC VIDEOS.  Everybody left Diego’s humble home and cried bitterly, knowing that it was a complete failure. Diego then realised that he was a mad, mad man.

Tia F.
Royston Primary School

Real life vs virtual life

“Nooooooo!” screamed Billy-Ray with disappointment. He had just got caught doing a secret mission on his computer game, Maxamillin Motor Head. Billy-Ray was always in his bedroom playing this game; he rarely ever came out of his room unless it was time for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Although he was a cyber robot, his little brother, Bobby-Joe, was very different. Bobby hated computers and just liked colouring in and jumping around- he didn’t even like watching TV!

One Saturday, mum sent Bobby to fetch Billy. Bobby literally had to pull Billy away from his computer.  “Billy, I am not well.  I have a sore throat and I need you to do the shopping this week.”

When they arrived at Presco’s Billy dug mums shopping list out of his rubbish-filled pocket. When they reached the veg stand and Billy noticed that one of the customers had a white coat on just like Professor Moonz! Suddenly he thought he was Maxamillion! He went crazy! “Hey you, stop right there!” he screamed attracting everyone’s attention . “Yeah, you in the white coat! Drop that poisonous carrot; I know what it’s for! You’ll never defeat me! I am Maxamillion the invincible!!!!!!!” the man walked slowly away and Billy and Bobby drifted off .

The next day at their swimming lesson. Jonnie threw out some floats for them to swim under water and retrieve. When it was Billy’s turn, his eyes went into a strange blur, he couldn’t hear well and thought that one of the floats was one of the sharks sent by Professor Moonz-just like the ones in his game and once again thought he was Maxamilion

Suddenly, all of the floats were sharks all around him and the pool had turned into a furious sea. He seized one of the floats (sharks) and shrieked, “You will never defeat me, I know that you have been sent by the professor and you have been told to try to destroy me- you never will!” at this point everyone in the whole pool was looking at him and wondering why he was shouting at a float.

Bobby really felt he needed to inform mum, although he still didn’t want to get Billy into trouble.
 At school on Monday, Billy’s friends were rehearsing for the school play. They were doing the part with the robots.  Again, he thought he was Maxamillion and he thought that their scripts were weapons ready to destroy him! The mad child charged at his friends whilst screaming “I know who you are! You have been sent to try to destroy me by the evil Professor Moonz!” At that moment the school bell rang and all Billy’s class mates walked off to the line , sniggering and laughing at Billy’s madness; all caused by that game!

Seeing all of this, Bobby decided he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to tell mum about Billy’s madness. Bobby felt a tingle in his tummy. He wasn’t looking forward to this. He opened the door, his mind whizzing round crazy thoughts about what could happen between him and Billy afterwards. “Um…well you see, y’know how Billy is always on his game, I think it is causing him problems.” “Problems?” said mum, looking puzzled. “Yes, er… today at school when we arrived, all Billy’s friends were practicing for their play about  robots and having played so much of that silly game, he thought that he was Maxamillion  and all his friends were robots from his game. He shouted out at them. “Don’t say anymore I know why this is.” She murmured.

She got out of her bed and calmly walked into Billy’s room.  “Billy, my darling, could you just pause that for a minute?” Billy’s eyes were glued to the screen. “Mum got up and turned the computer off herself. Billy was startled and suddenly saw his mum. “Wha… ahhh! You scared me!” “Sorry but this is important. Bobby has just told me that this silly game is causing you problems” she said, gently. “So I am going to take your game and computer out of your room.” “ What problems? I am Maxamillion the invincible!”He said furiously. By that time, Bobby was in the doorway of Billy’s room. “I see what you mean.” She said to bobby through the side of her mouth.

The next day she spoke to Billy’s doctor about the situation and she was feeling much better as he had sent some pills to ‘Loots’ for her pick up. Mum told him how Bobby had told her about everything and he said “thank you, Bobby, if it wasn’t for you I would have been completely mad!” Bobby put his arms around Billy. It was clear that Bobby-Joe and Billy-Ray were still best friends.

Ashleigh F.
Royston Primary School

Mi abuelo, mi Quijote

Todos los  veranos me voy de vacaciones al pueblo de mi madre. Es un pueblo muy pequeno. Mi madre dice que es tan pequeno que ni esta en el mapa, pero yo si lo he visto en un mapa que tiene mi primo.

Alli tengo mis amigos de todos los veranos y tenemos una pandilla. Todos tenemos nuestras bicis y nos vamos al rio, al parque, a buscar bichos… Mi amigo Mario es el mas travieso de la pandilla. Un dia por la noche vio un sapo y se creia que era una piedra y , le dio una patada, y el pobre sapo se estrello contra la pared del bar. Mi madre dice que cuando volvemos del pueblo nos tiene que domesticar otra vez por que mi hermano y yo volvemos un poco salvajes.

Pasamos todo el verano en casa de mis  abuelos, que ya estan un poco viejitos. Hasta hace poco daba vueltas en la bici con nosotros pero ahora mi abuela no le deja porque tiene miedo que se caiga. Mi abuela dice que no tiene jucio y va a cumplir 90 anos. Mi abuelo Mariano  es el Quijote de mi vida.
Mi abuelo Mariano se quedo sordo durante la guerra y nunca se quiso poner el aparato de la oreja  para oir. El dice que asi es mejor porque no se entera de lo que pasa a su alrededor.

Un dia estabamos jugando al futbol en la plaza y por accidente tiramos una maceta de la senora Felipa. Salimos todos corriendos menos el abuelo que no  oyo el ruido del macetero roto.

Cuando salio la senora Felipa, mi abuelo dijo que habian sido unos gatos que lo tiraron. Uuff, menos mal, porque la senora Felipa tiene muy mal genio. Despues, entre todos le compramos unos caramelos. Eso es lo que mas le gusta. Mi abuelo es muy goloso. No me extrana que sus dientes sean postizos. Todas las noches los pone en un vaso con agua.
Que susto me di el primer dia que los vi!

A veces, sin que la abuela se entere, coje la bici y se va al huerto. A el le gusta que yo vaya con el. Yo soy su Sancho Panza, aunque como soy tan delgado, deberia llamarme Sancho Flaco.

Regamos el huerto entre los dos. Luego dice a la abuela que ha sido el senor Joaquin, que vive alli al lado, el que lo ha regado.

Ojala que mi abuelo  dure muchos anos.
Alex C.
Colegio: Cañada Blanch Londres

My Quijote

My quijote is my sister. This is a story of when she had a little too much imagination.

One day when my sister, Emma was reading her favorite book, Percy Jackson & the Olympians she just wandered off. One minute she’s there and the next she’s not. “Uh-uh” I said to myself. I was supposed to keep an eye on her. I went down stairs to see if she was there. She wasn’t. Then I felt a breeze, the door was OPEN! She went outside. I was in big trouble.  

I went down the street to see if she was there. She was there all right, but the only thing that worried me was that she looked like she was ready for battle. She took out a pen and clicked it all I saw was that she had a pen, but what she saw was completely different. She slashed at an innocent guy carrying groceries with her pen and the guy ran away. ‘What was she seeing!’ I thought almost out loud. Before I could grab her, she ran up the street.

While she was running she tripped on the sidewalk. She got a big gash on her leg. I was going to grab her and take her home, but then she pulled out a muffin and ate a little and she seemed to be fine and kept running – toward me!
I was thinking of ways to get her home. Then it came to me, she was imagining all this so if I won she would be so upset and come home. I decided to go with that plan. When she came at me I just stepped to the side so she missed. I jumped up from behind her. She was so surprised that she fell to the ground. Then she got up and started running toward the house.

I’d thought I did it but then I realized that she ran right past the house. I started chasing her. I must have chased her for about 3 blocks until I caught up. Then I chased her toward the house. I managed to get her to the house but she wouldn’t go in. she looked like she wanted to kill me. When I stared at her for a few seconds. I realized that she still had her book in front of her if I could just get up to her and take away her book she would stop acting like this.

Then out of the blue I just jumped up at her and she dropped her book. “ How did I get out here. I was laying on my bed reading” she said.

“I think you got a little to carried away with your book” I said.
“Not again” she wined.

We went inside right in time for my parents to come home and tell them everything that happened.   

Sofia Guarnieri
Southbank Internacional School, Hampstead

El Quijote de mi vida

My name is Leah. I am eleven years old. I live in Mexico, in a family of five: my two sisters, Isabel and Sofia, my nanny, my parents and me. Well, actually, a family of six, if you count Sarah. Sarah Salinas isn’t really related to us, but she was practically a sister to me.

We had grown up together, and our parents were really good friends. I still remember the time when we got lost in the classic Mexico fog, and ended up knocking on Sarah’s parents’ door to ask them for the directions home. I have really been through a lot with Sarah, and I’d like you to know about all the adventures, mishaps and events that inspired me to write this story. So, here it goes:

Of course, I knew it. When you have to do a job with Sarah, it turns out not to be a job at all, but rather more of an adventure-like for instance, pushing Oscar (Sarah’s baby brother) up a hill in the park, would suddenly become a trek up Mount Fuji, pushing a large boulder to the top, or a school orchestra practice would morph into a reproduction of the Trojan War or something like that. As you can see, someone with a strikingly  eccentric imagination like Sarah’s could make the world go round, for sure.

During DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time at school, Sarah showed me her book. We pretended that we jumped incide the book, and went time travelling with Molly Moon, or to the Quidditch World Cup with Harry Potter. Sarah makes everything seem so real, and not only is she tomboyishly brave and honest, but she is modest about her talent too.

I can also recall a time when I had to rake up the leaves which had covered the pretty wildflowers growing around the edges of our lawn. Sarah-who had walked down to our house, asked if she could help me.
“It is fine.” I answered, remembering that she was allergic to dust (which the leaves were probably full of). However, she insisted on helping me to rake the leaves into a pile, so how could I say no?

Sarah raced back to her house, and returned with some sort of a mask. She put it on, explaining that it would keep the dust from getting to her, and we began to rake. But as always, the job morphed suddenly into a game, a game where everyone was either a good or bad witch. Each witch had a special power. I was water; Sarah was fire. Despite the magical powers bestowed upon us, the leaves I was meant to rake, never moved at all that day.

Now I live in London, and quite far away from Sarah, who moved to Brazil, three years back. I miss her terribly, but even after all those years, I will never forget what a wonderful friend she was. Never.

Leah H.
Southbank International School, Hampstead

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