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El quijote de mi vida

El quijote de mi vida es mi hermano menor porque tiene un buen corazón, gusta libros de aventuras, algunos tiempos se pelea, tiene muchos amigos y tiene yo y mi hermano  mayor para escuderos. También gusta salir de casa para jugar. Esta mismo cómo un león feroz y valiente. También tiene muchas aventuras como Don Quijote tiene.

Tiene un buen corazón porque siempre abraza a mama cuando ella regresa de afuera.  También le gusta correr a cosas misteriosas. Tiene cincuenta amigos: Whitman, Maria, Nicholas, Señora  Pam, Kian en ec3, Julia en grado 2, señora Olga, y las otras me ha borrado de la memoria.

Gusta pelear  conmigo sobre cosas como quien va primero o que “tú no puedes jugar con eso” y cosas así. Pero todavía cuando se equívoca con algo yo estoy allí para el siempre.

El también sufre pesadillas como Don Quijote cuando tiene miedo de algo en la día de algo. También puede hacer promesas y es muy confiable.

También tiene  muchas aventuras pero algunas  fueron algo malas. Por ejemplo cuando se perdió de desayuno solo para ir al centro para niños para jugar dentro los chiquitos carros para divertir se.

También gusta comida de España.

Algunas veces está un poquito loco en casa, así necesita tener algo un poquito más divertido.

Así que mi hermano menor no solo es el Don Quijote de mi vida, es un chiquito niño de cuatro años con una  imaginación muy, muy grande. También es una persona con mucha energía.


Duncan H-S.
Southbank Internacional School

El quijote de mi vida

El quijote de mi vida es mi bisabuelo porque tiene todas las características de Don Quijote de la Mancha. Primera está muy simpático. Cuando yo estoy en la casa de mi bisabuelo, siempre me da una golosina. También siempre va al parque con mí y mis hermanos. Segundo es muy valiente. Se participo en el segundo guerra mundial y siempre es listo por otro cosa. También se enfermo con neumonía y sobre vivir. Le gusta mucho a leer libros también.

Casi todos los tiempos cuando yo viene es leyendo un libro o oyendo a un libro. Siempre leemos un libro por media hora mínimo. Mi bisabuelo es muy loco. Siempre tiene una cosa loco para decir, incluso cuando es una ocasión mala. Tiene un buen sentido de humor excepto cuando se levanta de la cama a la 5:30 de la mañana. 

A veces se pierde la memoria. Se piense que cosas en la casa están diferentes o nuevas. También a veces quiere hacer cosas que yo sé en el vida real nunca hizo o hizo pero no gustaba (como participando en el segundo guerra mundial).

Uno vez pensó que estaba en el segundo guerra mundial y  fue al policía. Ultimo se fue en muchos aventuras. Se fue a Siria con un carro y caravana. Fue a Irán por carro, España por carro con mi mama y mis cuatros tías. Fue a Francia por carro y mi mama, fue a Turquía y muchos más pero yo no voy a decir todos porque va estar mucho más trabajo.

Muchos personas que yo saben fue a él para consejo por para vivir. Esto es porque yo pienso que mi bis-abuelo se recuérdame de Don Quijote de la Mancha pero también pare tener un vida muy linda y un vida con muchas aventuras.  

Callum H-S.
Southbank Internacional School

Lampposts in the city

2nd prize  7-11 y. o. category

One day long ago there lived a young man called Thomas. He read far too many books than he should for his age and he soon thought that he could be like the knights if he tried.

He began to become a little crazy as he polished his great, great grandfather’s old and very rusty suit of armour. He read as he worked and he worked as he read. As soon as he finished the armour he put it all on and he set off. He passed his friend Harry’s house.

He called him over and asked him if he wanted to go with him. Harry said yes for Thomas and he were so close and they set off to fight the monsters that where harming the city. There were no monsters of course because they were both as crazy as the crazy god.

They thought the lampposts that lit up the city at night were the so called ‘monsters’. They found the first lamppost (or ‘monster’) at the meadow in witch Thomas and Harry played in when they were young. It was getting dark so the lampposts were lighting up.

Thomas said to his faithful companion Harry: “the monsters are lighting their torches to set fire to the city! Everyone is going to die! But not if we save them from the monsters horrible clutches. WE WILL SAVE OUR PEOPLE AND THE REST OF THE CITY!” and with that they sliced the lamppost in half and the rest of the lampposts followed in their footsteps soon after.

But they did not save the city they just got a £100 fine and two years in prison.

Nikki M.-B.
CE Sant Michael’s Church Primary School, Lincolnshire.

Forest’s adventures

Once upon a time there was a boy called señor Tom, who went around with Don Andrew (his accomplice,)

One day el señor Tom and el señor Andrew went on a journey through the fiery forest. On this journey el señor Tom saw some squirrels, when he saw the squirrels he thought they were cows so el señor Tom decided to milk the cows then eat them but when el señor Tom realised he had already ate the squirrels.

The next day he went back into the forest but today he fell asleep when el señor Tom fell asleep but Tom didn’t sleep normally, he slept up side down like a bat. So el señor Andrew shouted, “wake up Tom.” So Tom woke up but Tom wasn’t normal this time Tom was a dog!

El señor Tom, the dog, ran around the forest freely but el señor Andrew was confused so he turned into a dog as well so both of the dogs ran around freely everyone was confused so everyone even dogs and cats turned into a chocolate bars! A few minutes after los señores Tom as well as  Andrew turned back to normal…

And these are the adventures I play with Tom, my classmate, at playtime when we’re very hungry!!.

 Jordan B.
CE Sant Michael’s Church Primary School, Lincolnshire.

Spotting windmills

One day I met a man called señor  Nick.  He was a  crazy  prince and  he  had  a  horse  called   skinny.  A sunny day  they  went  on  a  adventure  with  his  friend  Skinny  Steve.

Walking throught  the  soft sand  the know  horses  and  they  were  very hungry  and  thirsty . They  went  through  towns  and   deserts.  And  they  were  going  and   going  and   going…when they  spotted in the distance some  windmills.

They  were giants  so  he  got  his  sord  out  and  ran to  the  windmill  but…he  went  on  one  of  the  wood things  and  his friend  said  its  a  windmill  not  a  giant.

 The  end.

James W.
CE Sant Michael’s Church Primary School, Lincolnshire.

Lazy bones

Once  upon a time there lived a crazy person called don kian, he had a horse called lazy bones because it was a really lazy donkey. Don kian    went   on  an   adventure,
  a  really  crazy  one. 

He met  giant but  it was only a  windmill. Kian went round and round and  faster  very and faster fast as  a rocket .

He was sick in a bucket that  they had brought  with them. They went home and went to get some sweets in the cuberboard after getting  the sweets then  putting the tv on tv burp .

Etham G-R.
CE Sant Michael’s Church Primary School, Lincolnshire.

My crazy dad

Just actuality there is a crazy man called Tom green, my father . Tom do  lots of weird things like put pants on his head. One day I I brought him a new pair of trouser and then he cuts them up and makes a picture out of them.

The next day he wakes up and went to the lighthouse and went to the top and hangs pants on it.People were so shocked.Then he grabbed a child and got her work and scribbled all over it.

I went up to my dad and said:

– what’s up with her?.

My dad said that there was nothing wrong so then i said:

– Well, if there is come to me.

I think my dad is a very good but still a little crazy but still i think he is a very,very good father and i play a lot of adventures with him.

Ellie G.
CE Sant Michael’s Church Primary School, Lincolnshire.

The secret quality

One upon a time there lived a boy called don Mark. He was a very lazy person, so much than people thought that was the lasier person they’ve ever seen before.

Don Mark had a lazy dog too called Milo.  It was a white and small dog, always sleeps. One day they went together to the school and something happened, the dog  bit everyone! And they told the teacher, she was fuores! And the teacher sent him out! So they tropalld on and he found his houem . But this dog had a hidden quality.

A neighbor in the area found very excited that the dog didn’t bit the children for no reason, the dog was waiting patiently at the crossing of school watching children come in and out of the school. So the neighbor could see how the dog prevented children from being hit by cars with a small bite.

Eleanor K. B.
CE Sant Michael’s Church Primary School, Lincolnshire.

Little Steven

Once upon a time there lived a man called Don Nick and his servant small Steven.

Small Steven was a 97860 year old donkey. The next day Don nick thourt his trousers was a pig “ your weird”  said Steven, as he looked at don Nick ‘‘ you’ve got  A hole in your under pants sir or don nick” mutterd Steaven . Mr donkey dragged don Nick out into a FAR AWAY field   for save the beautifuls women in that village into the FAR AWAY fields.
The old old old donkey will live over 876567 years more in the field.

                                  10,00000000000900000 years later                                         

   THE                                          DONKEY                     IS                     STILL            



                                             THE  END

Daniel D.
CE Sant Michael’s Church Primary School, Lincolnshire.

The Quijote in my life

1st prize Category 7-11 y. o.

My Don Quijote is my Grandad Fred. He was born in 1939 in Liverpool, just before World War II started. His dad was also called Fred and was the 7th son of a 7th son.  This was supposed to be lucky but he was miserable and angry.  To avoid him, Fred and his dog called Rinty used to have lots of adventures down at Dam woods; they caught rabbits for his mum to cook for tea. He had good imagination; for example, he pretended his name was Frederick Harvey Winstanley Norman however his wife, two Daughters and Son believed this for 20 long years, even though his name was Frederick Norman.

When he was 10, people started cutting down Dam woods to build Liverpool Airport. He saw the airplanes landing and he imagined what it was like to live in a different country. When he exclaimed to his friends that he wanted to travel and live in sunny countries, they rudely pointed out, ‘You’re not brave enough.  Why do you want to do that? That’s rubbish.’ But Fred still wanted to live his dream and he believed in himself.

My Grandad has a quest for adventure; at the age of 15, he joined the Merchant Navy.  Where he travelled around the world!  He saw: sunny blue skies, deserts and smelled the salty sea; he wanted to feel the warm weather and taste different foods and spices. 

One day he went on a boat from Liverpool to take goods to India, the quickest way was to sail through the Suez Canal. However, at that time, there was a war called the Suez crisis – he was on this canal when they shut the gates tight. He wondered if a bomb might hit his boat and explode the Canal.  He was stuck there for several weeks!  He was only 16.

My Grandad went to Brazil and Argentina, where after drinking beer at the port, he missed his ship and spent two days with no sleep and no food, chasing it to another port, miles up the river Plate.  The Captain fined him two weeks pay.  He travelled to the Caribbean, India and North America, where he bought Elvis Presley records before he was even heard of in England! 

Grandad wore suits he had made very cheaply in Singapore. He was wearing one when he met Grandma, when he was back in Liverpool.  My Grandma’s step-mum thought that my Grandad was a trouble maker because he wore a red tie and fancy suits.  She married him anyway.  Now my Grandad and Grandma live in Spain.  Grandma is like Grandad’s Sancho Panza.

When we visit them in Spain, we get caught up in Grandad’s adventures.  He always gets lost; we once drove to a restaurant which was supposed to be 5 miles away; we took one of Grandad’s “shortcuts” and 30 miles later we finally arrived!  

I think, like Don Quijote and my Grandad, you should be brave and live your dream.

My Grandad encouraged his family to travel; my mum has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia and has visited many countries.  My Grandad is still living his dream; he won’t wake up as Alonso Quijana like poor Don Quijote.

Alex V.
Park Road Community Primary School

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