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FHB Young Writers Prize

Interested in creative writing? Often use social media? Then the very first edition of FHB YOUNG WRITERS PRIZE may be just the thing for you!  

In partnership with the British Council, the Instituto Cervantes in London and the British Embassy in Madrid, the British Hispanic Foundation-FHB is offering Spanish students between the ages of 16 and 18 the chance to have their own say on how social media impacts the world around us.  

To enter the competition write a short essay in English  of up to three pages and fill out their online form. 

Durante las dos próximas semanas está abierto el plazo de inscripción de la primera edición del certamen literario para jóvenes FHB Young Writers Prize, que convoca la Fundación Hispano Británica.
Este concurso, dirigido a estudiantes de Bachillerato (16-18 años) de toda España, tiene por finalidad fomentar la creatividad y la utilización de la lengua inglesa en la escritura

Los cinco integrantes del jurado son miembros de la Fundación:
– Roger Cooke- Andrew Moore

– Julia Sánchez-Asiaín (Coordinadora del equipo Think Tank)

– Ignacio Peyró (Director del Instituto Cervantes de Londres)

– Mark Howard (Director del British Council)

London opens the door to literature in Spanish language

El 25 de julio de 2019 en Books, Literature por | Sin comentarios

Instituto Cervantes in London welcomes the presentation of a book celebrating twelve Spanish and Latin American authors living in the British capital.

Twelve Spanish-language authors from Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain and Ecuador will speak today at 7pm at the London headquarters of Instituto Cervantes. All the writers now live and work in London, and their new book, Visitors II was written after attending the creative writing workshop, El Ojo de la Cultura Hispanoamericana (The Eye of Hispanic American Culture).

«London is a literary and creativity capital in Spanish because of the number of Spanish speakers who create in it,» says Ignacio Peyró, director of the Cervantes Institute in London, who highlights the Latin American vocation of the centre.

The twelve Spanish and Latin American authors are: José Luis Gutiérrez Trueba, Denisse Vargas Bolaños, Lester Gómez Medina, Santiago Peluffo Soneyra, Marijo Alba, Natalia Casali, Jael de la Luz, Ana Vidal, Diana Huarte, Claudia Lozano, Stephanie Russo and Martín Belzunce, coordinated by the Argentine writer Enrique D. Zattara.

All of them will talk about their work and their experience after attending the writing workshop that Zattara started in September 2015 and through which thirty writers have attended both face to face or online.

The Eye of Hispanic American Culture, ZTR Radio and Instituto Cervantes in London have been collaborating together since October 2017 in the “Authors in search of reader” cycle, aimed at spreading the work of Spanish-American writers still little known in this country among the British readers.

Writing workshops to improve stories

Zattara highlights the role of writing workshops to help writers, through the development of techniques and resources to improve the story and going through what will work or not. In addition, he explains how they disassemble the stories and resources used by writers such as the Argentine Jorge Luis Borges.

“Ricardo Piglia said that the first writings were particularly interesting because they were portrayed in the search for a style and the commitment to a way in which to think about literature”, says writer Carlos Fonseca, author of the prologue in this book. «The beauty of a book like this falls, then, on that style and form are thought collectively.»

In the case of the writer Lester Gómez Medina, a Costa Rican of Nicaraguan origin, four of his short stories are included. In them, he gathers his childhood experiences and how they impact on adult life. Gómez Medina highlights the role of the workshops as a speaker of the Spanish language in London, as well as to consolidate the writing and create a link with other writers to whom he already calls friends.

On the other hand, Diana Huarte, Argentine singer of electronic music of the group called Shh, arrived at the writing workshop two years ago after a health problem and eager to develop her creativity. In addition, the Cantabrian José Luis Gutiérrez Trueba joins the project with his stories, inspired by ideas that he takes from the street, news he is reading throughout the day, reflections of the current era and the impact of social networks and Brexit.

A project to spread to Spanish-speaking creators

The Eye of Hispanic American Culture in London is a multimedia cultural project that aims to communicate and disseminate with Spanish-speaking artistic creators worldwide. They develop their motives through various formats, such as radio culture, through ZTR radio podcasts in which they carry out exclusively cultural programming in Spanish and English, which is also broadcast live in collaboration with ExraRadio1 of London.

In addition, they make cycles, readings and conferences for the dissemination and knowledge of Hispanic-American artists, in Spanish and English. These projects are both lone-ventures as well as in collaboration with institutions such as the Cervantes Institute, various Latin American Embassies, and some universities. They also organise public shows where they stage encounters of artistic disciplines such as poetry, music and dance, theater, cinema for the audience.

El olvido que seremos (Oblivion)

«El olvido que seremos (Oblivion)» es la biografía desgarradora, pero no sentimental, que el autor Héctor Abad, le dedica a su padre Héctor Abad Gómez, un activista de izquierdas asesinado por los paramilitares en 1987 en Medellín. El libro fue presentado el día 13 de Octubre de este año en el Instituto Cervantes.

En relación a ello, el pasado sábado 27 de Noviembre, el periódico británico The Guardian publicó una reseña de la obra en sus páginas.

El artículo puede consultarse a través de la siguiente dirección web:


Tomás Eloy Martínez

El 10 de febrero de 2010 en Latin american writers, Writers por | Sin comentarios

Tomás Eloy MartínezThe Argentinian writer Tomás Eloy Martínez, who has died aged 75 of cancer, was one of the most innovative journalists and novelists of his generation. He belonged to the group of writers who renewed Argentinian journalism in the early 1970s, challenging authority as well as freeing it from old-fashioned rhetorical formulas. Forced into exile after the 1976 military coup, Eloy ­Martínez took his skills to Venezuela, where he founded a groundbreaking newspaper.

Read more: Guardian.co.uk

Tomás Eloy Martínez in our library:

   El cantor de tango / Tomás Eloy Martínez. — 1 ed. — Barcelona
: Planeta, 2004. — 251 p. ; 24 cm. — ((Autores españoles e
   D.L.  M 17338-2004. — ISBN 84-08-05299-3

   Santa Evita / Tomás Eloy Martínez; translated by Helen Lane. —
[S. l.] : Anchor, 1997. — 410 p. ; 20 cm

   El vuelo de la reina / Tomás Eloy Martínez. — Madrid :
Alfaguara, 2002. — 296 p. ; 24 cm
   Premio Alfaguara de novela 2002

HAY Festival Cartagena 2010

28-31 January 2010, Cartagena de Indias. Colombia

Welcome to our fifth festival in Cartagena de Indias, a meeting place where you can enjoy stories and ideas from many diverse cultures and from four continents. We are honoured to host writers and artists who reinvent the world. Their imaginations help us all to see life in a different way. To meet them in one of the most magical cities in the world is a real pleasure. Here, we have stories of love and death, of adventure and philosophy; here also are parties for talking and quiet places to think.

Read more…

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