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London Spanish Film Festival 3rd Spring Weekend


JUE 25 – DOM 28

El Festival de cine español de Londres presenta su 3ª edición del “Fin de semana de primavera” con los estrenos más relevantes de la producción española más reciente: de la ganadora absoluta en la última edición de los premios Goya, Blancanieves, que será presentada por la actriz Macarena García, a la excitante No habrá paz para los malditos, de Enrique Urbizu, la hermosa Crisálida, dirigida por Paula Ortiz, o el refrescante debut de Paco Baños, con el retrato de un adolescente, Alí.
El veterano director Fernado Trueba nos presentará su largamente esperada última película tras el éxito de Chico y Rita, la franco-española El artista y la modelo. Así mismo, se ofrecerá un preestreno muy especial: el nuevo film de Pedro Almodóvar, Los amantes pasajeros, antes de su paso por las pantallas británicas con el título de I’am so excited.

En español con subtítulos en inglés

Organizado por Tristana Media
En colaboración con Institut Français, Royaume-Uni; Oficina para Asuntos Culturales y Científicos de la Embajada
de España en el Reino Unido; Instituto Cervantes de Londres
Descuento de £2 para socios y alumnos del Instituto Cervantes de Londres
Información sobre el programa completo de proyecciones, horarios y precios www.londonspanishfilmfestival.com

THU 25 – SUN 28

The London Spanish Film Festival launches its 3rd Spring Weekend with an extraordinary line-up of some of the mos exciting recent Spanish films: from the absolute winner at this year’s Goya awards, Blancanieves, which will be presented by actress Macarena García, to Enrique Urbizu’s thrilling No Rest for the Wicked, Paula Ortiz’s beautiful Chrysalis or Paco R. Baños fresh debut with the portrait of a teenager, Ali.

Veteran filmmaker Fernando Trueba will present to us his much awaited latest film after the success of Chico and Rita, the Franco-Spanish El artista y la modelo. We are also very proud to offer our audiences a very special preview of Pedro Almodóvar latest film, Los amantes pasajeros, before its British release under the title I’m So Excited.

In Spanish with English subtitles

Organised by Tristana Media
In collaboration with Institut Français, Royaume-Uni; Oficina para Asuntos Culturales y Científicos de la Embajada
de España en el Reino Unido; Instituto Cervantes de Londres
£2 off Instituto Cervantes London members and students
Full programme, schedules and tickets www.londonspanishfilmfestival.com



BFI 56° Festival de cine de Londres | 56th BFI London Film Festival

Cada mes de octubre, el BFI Southbank y algunos cines londinenses acogen el BFI London Film Festival. En su 56a edición, el festival proyectará películas de Hollywood y producciones independientes de todo el mundo. Además de éxitos de taquilla, gran parte de su programación está dedicada a pequeñas producciones independientes, cine en versión original, trabajos documentales, animación y clásicos de los archivos del BFI.

Organizado por British Film Institute
En colaboración con la Oficina para Asuntos Culturales y Científicos de la Embajada de España en el Reino Unido, Instituto Cervantes Londres
Más información www.bfi.org.uk/lff

Every October the BFI Southbank and selected cinemas across London host the BFI London Film Festival. Now in its 56th year, the festival attracts Hollywood players and Indie film-makers from around the globe. As well as a few blockbuster premieres, there is a commendable amount of programme time given over to small independent films, foreign language cinema, documentary work, animation and BFI National Archive classics.

Organised by British Film Institute
In collaboration with the Office for Cultural and Scientific Affairsat the Embassy of Spain, Instituto Cervantes Londres
More information www.bfi.org.uk/lff

8º Festival de cine español de Londres en el Instituto Cervantes | 8th London Spanish Film Festival at Instituto Cervantes

La octava edición del Festival de cine español de Londres tendrá lugar desde el 28 de septiembre al 10 de octubre de 2012. Una ventana al mejor cine contemporáneo producido en España, en el que se presentará una selección de las películas españolas más interesantes del panorama actual, clases magistrales y coloquios con actores y cineastas.

MAR 02/10 – 6.30pm
Auditorio del Instituto Cervantes, 102 Eaton Square, London, SW1W 9AN
Sesión de cortometrajes

MIE 03/10 – 6.30pm
Auditorio del Instituto Cervantes, 102 Eaton Square, London, SW1W 9AN
de Fernando León de Aranoa. España, Italia, Francia

MIE 10/10 – 6.30pm
Auditorio del Instituto Cervantes, 102 Eaton Square, London, SW1W 9AN
Sesión de cortometrajes

VO en español con subtítulos en inglés
Organizado por Tristana Media
En colaboración con la Oficina para Asuntos Culturales y Científicos de la Embajada de España en el Londres, Instituto Cervantes Londres & Institut Français du Royaume-Uni
Información sobre programación  www.londonspanishfilmfestival.com

The 8th London Spanish Film Festival takes place from 28 September to 10 October 2012. A window on the best contemporary cinema from Spain, this year we’ll again be presenting a selection of some of the most exciting recent Spanish films, together with masterclasses and Q&As with film-makers and actors.

TUE 02/10 – 6.30pm
Auditorio del Instituto Cervantes, 102 Eaton Square, London, SW1W 9AN
Shorts Sessions

WED 03/10 – 6.30pm
Auditorio del Instituto Cervantes, 102 Eaton Square, London, SW1W 9AN
by Fernando León de Aranoa. Spain,Italy,France

WED 10/10 – 6.30pm
Auditorio del Instituto Cervantes, 102 Eaton Square, London, SW1W 9AN
Shorts Sessions

In Spanish with English subtitles
Organised by Tristana Media
In collaboration with the Office for Cultural and Scientific Affairs at the Embassy of Spain in London, Instituto Cervantes Londres & Institut Français du Royaume-Uni
More information about programme can be found on www.londonspanishfilmfestival.com

DIA DEL ESPAÑOL, 23 DE JUNIO ¡No te lo pierdas! / SPANISH DAY 23 JUNE. Don’t miss it !

El día 23 de junio se celebra El Día E. El día de todos los que hablamos español, una jornada de puertas abiertas que se desarrolla simultáneamente en los más de 70 centros de la red del Cervantes en todo el mundo para conmemorar y celebrar la importancia del español como lengua internacional. En el Instituto Cervantes ofreceremos un amplio programa de actividades culturales, educativas, lúdicas y gastronómicas que presentarán la riqueza ydiversidad de todos los países que compartimos el idioma. Las actividades que tienen lugar en el Instituto Cervantes Londres son de entrada libre, hasta completar aforo. Reserva obligatoria:  reservas.londres@cervantes.es, 020 7201 0752.

Para ver el programa completo, por favor, pinche aqui

On 23 June we celebrate El Día E. The day for all Spanish speakers, a great open day which takes place simultaneously in the more than 70 Cervantes centres around the world, to commemorate and celebrate the importance of Spanish as an international language. At the Instituto Cervantes London we are presenting a broad programme of cultural, educational, gastronomic and fun activities which will represent the richness and diversity of all the countries that share our language.

Events at Instituto Cervantes London venue are free admission, subject to space. Places must be reserved in advance reservas.londres@cervantes.es, 020 7201 0752.

For the full programme, please, click here

WriteIdea Festival 2010

The WriteIdea Festival is a London’s free reading festival that takes place from 12-21 November near Tower Hamlet.

Our City” is the theme of this year’s programme. It is focused on East London. The festival starts in style with a conversation with Tony Benn on November 12 and it includes poets, politicians, presenters, philosophers, performers as well as novelists and other writers talking about their work.

The distinguished authors that will take part in the festival are: Caroline Gilfillan, Salena Godden, Adam O’Riordan, Sarah Wise Paul Willetts, Martin Knight or Rob Young, to name a few. Signed books will be available to buy!

All events are free but will be ticketed so make sure you reserve a place.

Find the complete programme here!

Enjoy the WriteIdea Festival 2010!

Fiesta! at the British Library

FIESTA! is a fabulous free day of performances, music and workshops celebrating all things Latin American. This year marks two-hundred years since many South American countries gained their independence and the British Library is marking the anniversary with a special exhibition and events programme under the title ¡Viva La Libertad!

We are also delighted to be presenting FIESTA! in association with Somers Town Festival, an event that brings our closest local community to vibrant life once a year. Please explore the performances, stalls and activities along Chalton Street, just a few steps away.

Read more…


A fiesta to remember

AFTER weeks of preparation, the big day finally arrived and students, friends and other guests descended on the Instituto Cervantes London for El Día del Español last Saturday, June 19. And what a party it turned out to be, as we enjoyed sensational sounds from Latin America, fantastic food from Ibérica restaurant and essential refreshments courtesy of Wines from Spain.

With the kind permission of Grosvenor Estate, we turned a section of the beautiful Eaton Square Gardens into the Plaza del Español, with a marquee hosting the music, food and wine, while the giant board was set out on the lawn for the final of the Juego del Español.

Thousands of people worldwide have been playing the online version of this word game, inspired by Scrabble and crosswords and developed by the Instituto Cervantes. Here in London, classmates Shamalee Vanderpoorten and Michael Cummins reached the final of the liga for Instituto Cervantes students.

(Read more… LondonSpanish)


Have a Spanish staycation

El 10 de junio de 2010 en Festivals, Spain in London por | Sin comentarios

The multicultural, cosmopolitan nature of London is one of the city’s greatest strengths, and it has to be said that Spanish speakers are better represented than most.

Sunday provided the perfect illustration as Spaniards took over Regent Street for the annual spectacular that is A Taste of Spain

It seemed that virtually all the country’s regions were represented with marquees offering tourist information and local food products.

And it was pleasing to see Spain celebrating its sporting success at the very same time as the brilliant Rafa Nadal was winning yet another French Open championship.

Read more… (LondonSpanish)


El Día del Español (El Día E) – Spanish Language Day – Saturday 19 June 2010

COME and join in the worldwide celebration of Spanish Language Day on Saturday June 19 as more than 70 Instituto Cervantes centres in 40 countries put on a host of special activities and entertainment.

Spanish is the official language of no fewer than 21 countries, so here in London we’re busy organising with ACALASP a programme that includes activities, exhibitions, demonstrations and music from several Latin American nations.

We’re also looking forward to the authentic flavours of Spain with gourmet tastings and workshops provided by Ibérica, one of London’s finest Spanish restaurants, and, of course, Wines From Spain.  Pre-registration is ESSENTIAL for these tastings and workshops, which take place in the Eaton Square gardens between noon and 4pm. For full details see the Instituto Cervantes website.

But the main point of the day is the Spanish language, so we’ll be launching a ‘word shower’ to open the event at 10am, and offering activities including the Spanish Game, a crossword-type contest designed to test your Spanish skills. 

And here’s the best bit … we’re offering all current Instituto Cervantes London students the chance to win a luxury tour of Andalucía, visiting all the major sights and staying in some of the region’s finest hotels.

Read more… LondonSpanish


Flamenco Festival in London 2010. Reviews

The Festival ended last weekend.

Here you are 4 interesting reviews:

Step-by-step guide to dance: Eva Yerbabuena
By injecting traditional moves with bold theatrical flair, this Spanish dancer and choreographer brings flamenco thrillingly up to date.
Sanjoy Roy 


Flamenco’s humane roots
Forget the Hollywood image – flamenco has deep-rooted social and political resonances that cross culture and genre
Mike Marqusee 



Sadler’s Wells seventh annual Flamenco Festival
David Dougill



¡Viva la evolución!
The show begins with a haunting, wailing song that could easily be mistaken for the muezzin’s call to prayer as the Nuevo Ballet Español pays homage to the mysterious origins of flamenco in Moorish… Spain.



Very interesting blog about flamenco:



More about flamenco


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Tel: +44 (0)20 7201 0750
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